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Monday, February 11, 2013

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Respond To Sandy Hook

Mayor Dayne Walling Dec. 20 made the following statement after the killings atSandy Hook Elementary School.

“It is time to face the fact that we have allowed our communities to be flooded with illegal and military-style guns that put our children and families at risk. More than 200 people end up in hospital emergency rooms on a daily basis because of gunshot wounds.

“In Flint we know the tragic costs of gun violence all too well. Along with the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), I am calling for federal, state and local reforms to prevent dangerous individuals from attaining firearms and to get military-style assault weapons off our streets.”

Below is a letter sent by Mayors Against Illegal Guns to President Barack Obama
Maryland ~ Mayor Joshua J. Cohen, Annapolis, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Baltimore, Mayor Andrew M. Fellows, College Park, Mayor Brian K. Grim, Cumberland, Mayor Robert C. Willey, Easton, Mayor Peter Benjamin, Garrett Park, Mayor Dennis J. Scheessele, Indian Head, Mayor Craig A. Moe, Laurel, Mayor Phyllis Marcuccio, Rockville, Mayor James Ireton Jr, Salisbury, Mayor Jeffrey Slavin, Somerset, and Mayor Bruce R. Williams, Takoma Park.


  1. Let it be known that Jim Ireton doesn't speak for me about guns or gun control. If he wants to fight for putting more criminals behind bars then we can talk. Jim Ireton you have lost my vote.

    A concerned citizen, property owner, tax payer and voter.

  2. So i see Jim dosn't suport the second amendment. Well I don't suport Jim. Looks like It's time for Jim to move on. Bye Bye

  3. What a slap in the face to all the vets out there.

  4. Go back to Rehobeth Beach J.I.

  5. I was leaning towards voting for Joe but had Yes truly not decided until now. Ireton just stuck a fork in himself with this one. Yes I'm also a VET.

  6. Disgusting. Not getting my vote.

  7. 2-11-13

    Being gay and a liberal sissy go hand in hand... That says it ALL!

  8. Disgusting. Anyone who truly cares about children and school safety would be demanding something done to ensure their safety NOW! The only way to accomplish this is to demand armed guards protecting them while they are in school.
    Immediate action should be taken and not showing off and posturing for an agenda.
    These mayors are braindead fools. What they are saying is that children in schools should be allowed to remain sitting ducks while lawmakers craft more gun control laws. Every single one of these mayors deserves nothing more than a spit in the face for their failure to immediately demand more school security.

  9. February 11, 2013 at 10:31 AM

    So eloquently put!

  10. ireton get your BAGS packed...

  11. Maybe the mayor can SKIP down the school hallways and push the PERP out of the building, What a douche.

  12. This should be back at the top so all Salisbury residents get the chance to see that Jim Ireton is speaking on their behalf without their knowledge.

    Where is Ireton's stupid press release on this?

  13. Do not trust of believe political figures. They will repeat whatever figure above them tells them to.

    Sheriffs are elected too and most of them are against gun control. Who would you believe?

    Someone who understands and works with the nuts and bolts of the criminal world, or someone who reads a paper, gets a phone call or attends some meeting?

    I think I will side with the sheriffs on this one. They know they cannot protect us better than we can. Or faster.

    It's getting to the point if you do shoot a home invader or other criminal who wishes you harm, it is better to get rid of their body than to call police and notify them.

    In all likelihood, you will be the one charged and possible sued by the perps family. Insane.

    Protect yourself and your family. Get rid of the body and don't tell anyone. That is the only way of staying out of jail.

  14. I'm with 5:06 keep this at the top so the vets can see all there sacrifices at work.


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