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Friday, February 15, 2013

Local News Anchor To Lead March of Dimes Effort To Improve The Health Of Eastern Shore Babies

Salisbury, MD — Our local TV station leaders are working with the  www.marchofdimes.com/marylandmetrodc March of Dimes to prevent preterm birth to give more babies a healthy start in life. Today we are pleased to announce that WBOC and Delmarva Life Host, Lisa Bryant has taken on the role of March for Babies Chair and is also a proud mother making her commitment to the good health of moms and babies personal and meaningful.
www.marchforbabies.org March for Babies is the largest annual fundraising event for the March of Dimes, which will celebrate its  www.marchofdimes.com/75 75th anniversary in 2013. More than four million babies are born in the United States each year and the March of Dimes has helped each and every one of them through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs.
As March for Babies Chair, Bryant will play an integral role in raising awareness and funds to advance the scientific research and educational programs at the core of the March of Dimes efforts to prevent preterm birth and birth defects. 
“My work with the March of Dimes is a real honor – especially during the Foundation’s milestone 75th anniversary year. March for Babies gives everyone in our community the chance to work together for stronger, healthier babies and make a difference in the lives of millions of babies,” said Bryant. “I can’t think of a more important cause than healthy babies. As a business leader, I know that preventing preterm birth can help our bottom line by lowering health care costs.” 
Bryant added, “Premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death. In Maryland, one in eight babies is born premature, and that’s just not acceptable. It takes leaders in our community working together to ensure moms have healthy pregnancies.”
Last year, the Wicomico County March for Babies raised $120,000. Bryant has made the commitment to raise $15,000 in new revenue as part of the 2013 March for Babies total goal of $137,000. 
“I couldn’t be happier having Lisa Bryant serve as the Chair,” said Wendy Jarrett, Community Director for the Eastern Shore Division of the Maryland – National Capital Area Chapter. “I am sure that Bryant will bring the same drive, dedication and passion that made her a well-respected member of the community to her efforts on behalf of March for Babies. I know his contribution will go a long way to making this year’s event an unqualified success.” 
Eastern Shore residents can sign up today at www.marchforbabies.org and start a team with co-workers, family and friends. Last year, more than 700 people attended the event -- which will be held in Salisbury this year on Sunday, April 21 with the start/finish at the Salisbury Moore and Family Center on Snow Hill Road. 
The 2013 March for Babies is sponsored nationally by Kmart, Farmers Insurance Group, Macy’s, Cigna, Sanofi Pasteur, Famous Footwear, Actavis, Mission Pharmacal, and United Airlines. Our local sponsors include Peninsula Regional Medical Center, State Farm, Perdue Farms, Pepsi and WBOC TV. 
In 2013, the March of Dimes celebrates its 75th Anniversary and its ongoing work to help babies get a healthy start in life. Early research led to the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines that all babies still receive. Other breakthroughs include new treatments for premature infants and children with birth defects. About four million babies are born each year in the United States, and all have benefitted from March of Dimes lifesaving research and education.

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