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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Listen To Me Very Carefully: By Joe Albero

OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

In the post just below it talks about the facts of Obama's State of the Union Address. In this case, 6 million new jobs.

I'd like to share my personal thoughts and opinion on this matter.

It's no secret that with the fear of Obamacare upon the business world, many of the largest corporations are cutting back part time hours to less than 30 hours a week. Some full time jobs are now being cut back to less than 30 hours a week. DON'T BE FOOLED as to why. 

While hours are being cut back and Obama trying to increase the minimum wage, MORE people, (PART TIME) will be hired to fill in the gaps. Hence, yes, more people will be employed and the unemployment will in fact DROP. HOWEVER, they will be filled with more part time jobs, NOT full time jobs. 

It's a numbers game Ladies & Gentlemen and it's a GAME in which is NOT going to help cure America's desperate need for good paying jobs. 

When your child comes out of college and needs a good paying job to pay back loans, buy a car, pay for insurance, get a place of their own and fumble around for change to eat off the dollar menu every night, our leader, (Obama) is NOT fooling this American. 

Obama is dumbing down America and I can only hope YOU are not falling for it. Salisbury has enough of this similar problem WITHOUT President Obama making it even worse. Home Depot, WalMart and many other corporations are already cutting back hours and preparing for the worst. 

This is why I announced my intent to make the Mayor's job a FULL TIME job. Yes, even at the $25,000.00 a year it now offers. Half of my day will be spent doing the business of the City as your Mayor and the other half will be dedicated to reaching out to businesses that provide great paying jobs and encourage them to relocate to Salisbury, Maryland from all over the world. 

We can no longer do what Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman have done by sitting back and waiting for businesses to fall into their laps. You must work hard to bring these businesses here and STOP calling Press Conferences pointing fingers at every one else, blaming them for why Salisbury is so far behind. 

We do not need 500 affordable housing units Downtown by giving away our Downtown parking lots. We need good paying jobs so people can afford well built homes they can buy and afford. We want homes with 50 year roofing shingles, not 10 year roofing shingles.

As your next Mayor I will work hard to plan ahead, think out of the box and NOT depend on scraps our Government leaves us to pick on. This is called LEADERSHIP. 


  1. our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs.

    Is that like saying, you didn't build it, we did.

    Our businesses, huh? I guess since we pay so many taxes I guess they are my partner.

  2. Obamacare is going to be the biggest job killer this country has ever seen. It won't hurt most of the people who voted for him because they didn't have jobs anyway.

  3. Yes. We need to think about our future and sustainable jobs. I heard Debbie Campbell talk about the importance of not settling, but getting the best possible outcomes for long term success and about making Salsibury competative as the economy turns. I visited her web site today. Wow! I especially loked this page http://campbell4salisbury.com/meet-debbie.html and the ideas that were in teh links that she shared. Again, all I can say is, wow! Don't forget the importance of supporting her too.

  4. O:"Our businesses have created 6 million jobs". Where? Not here, thats for sure. In China? After 6 years of this BS, We The People Have Had Enough.

  5. If Jimbo only makes $25k a year what else does he do for a job? He isn't still teaching, is he?

  6. He should be teaching! He was good at that.....just saying

  7. The Government doesn't give lower municipalities fodder for which to chew on. They DIRECT what the money is to be spent on. That is the problem. MD's Governor tells the Shore what they will get or not based upon how much political support they provide him. This is why Ireton is out there spouting affordable housing for Salisbury. The Democratic Political Machine TOLD him what to do. It has nothing to do with quality of life to the city's inhabitants. Creating a crime zone between the taxpayers of Salisbury using Federal section (8) housing Provides NO citizen benefit.

  8. April 2nd can't get here soon enough. I hope the voters fire Jim Ireton and then the Superintendent of Schools fires him. I don't want him teaching my children or yours.

  9. Anonymous said...
    He should be teaching! He was good at that.....just saying

    February 13, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    How do you know?

  10. I don't even get what the mayor's fascination is with this affordable housing stuff. Houses are extremely affordable in Salisbury EXCEPT when you take into consideration the lack of living wage paying jobs, then they are very unaffordable. Joe is correct and what will end up is a conglomerate of stack shacks with a pretty facade.

  11. good luck trying to get businesses to come to Md, let alone salisbury, instead of a more tax friendly state.

    Heard on the news another Sports bar is coming downtown. i prefer not to be in the presence of drunks so guess I will have to do my library things in the light of day now.

  12. anonymous 8:32, yes, there is a sports bar hopefully coming to the old Aqua restaurant. Jeremy, (the former bar owner at Aqua) is reopening hopefully in the beginning of March. My hat is tipped to Jeremy and his partner for taking on that risk and hopefully people will continue to support them in this venture. It will be a whole new concept and one I believe will do very well there. Pool tables, foosball and TV's just about everywhere.

  13. I'll go downtown to party and lunch when the meters are abolished! Nothing until then!

  14. Keep campaigning. Don't let up. New ideas and new approaches to WORK, RISK, and PROFIT. Dirty words to ireton. Salisbury must have a LEADER if it is to be anything other than the next Camden (NJ). And changing the business climate and the tax issues will attract new business. Like I said , don't let up. This might be Salisbury's last shot at thriving instead of stagnating and declining...

  15. 8:57,you got that right!And the money to replace them,go after tax deliquents in the city and auction properties.

  16. Of course we all know that these actions over the past four years have proved to be the installation of nsocialism. He and the left have done this very slowly as not to create panic.
    Most of the MSM and younger people don't understand this, thus , we are doomed to a complete change in our society.
    The only thing that we can do is pray for this ruler to become ill and never recover.
    In effect , Obama is a liar and a thief , he steals from you every day. He is worse than the man who tries to take your money in the parking lot , because you can't defend yourself from Obama who I consider SATAN.
    He has taught his young blacks to do the same as mobs.

  17. Yet ANOTHER bar!?

    That's the problem with Salisbury and the rest of the Lower Eastern Shore. Most of the businesses around here are retail, hotels, restaurants and of course--->BARS since there are so many drunks in our area who live purposeless lives. Especially in Ocean City where the town is now blanketed with bars with a bunch of drunks stumble around in the streets, get DUIs, and commit criminal acts. 30+ years ago O.C. was a more family-friendly place, just as Salisbury once was.

    What our area is in desperate need of is professional-type business (manufacturing, major corporations, etc.) that offer professional-type jobs within civil work environments that pay decent wages. For now, most of the jobs in our area are grunt-type jobs within hostile work environments that pay minimal & "non-livable" wages with no opportunities for advancement.

  18. Most big manufacturing companies won't relocate to this area because 40% of the residents have no skills at all.

    That is one reason many University graduates leave this area to find good jobs. For that to change, the jobs need to be already here, it's a vicious cycle.

    That will not change overnight.

  19. 10:53 It might change if we can get rid of our useless "progressive" mayor and replace him a business friendly mayor. That was similiar to my hope for the national economy during the last presidential election, lets hope things work out better here locally.

  20. 10:53-Where did the 40%/No skills statistic come from?
    One of the main reasons a company looks to relocate is money-They are looking to lower costs which of course increases cash flow.
    Other reasons could be the work force but more importantly that skilled workers (because they will come esp if area is affordable and quality of life is positive) is labor issues (union influence.)
    I think what is going to have to happen is that the city is going to make it so attactive for business that all other factors will take a back seat in decision making. I am so not for "corporate welfare" but it has gotten to the point that MD is so business unfriendly that this is what local governments are going to have to do to save their own economy. You get 2 businesses downtown with approx 20 employees each and the traffic downtown will increase alot and cause a trickle down effect with other businesses downtown.

  21. Jim Ireton has no clue about business. He listens to the same people that have gotten the city and downtown nowhere over the last 30 years.

    Remember the fanfare over the garden center? The guy who bought it from the city (was the old Ulman Theater) for pennies on the dollar was hailed as "Salisbury James Rouse" (Inner Harbor) by Barrie Tilghman.

    Whenever anything gets prettied up and renovated, what goes into it? Lawyer, government agency, lawyer, health clinic, lawyer. Sure makes me want to go downtown and hang with my buds, not!

    Now it's "let's build condos with shops and eliminate all parking."

    Anybody see the multiple big d'oh's on that one?

  22. Anonymous said...
    Jim Ireton has no clue about business. He listens to the same people that have gotten the city and downtown nowhere over the last 30 years.

    Remember the fanfare over the garden center? The guy who bought it from the city (was the old Ulman Theater) for pennies on the dollar was hailed as "Salisbury James Rouse" (Inner Harbor) by Barrie Tilghman.

    Whenever anything gets prettied up and renovated, what goes into it? Lawyer, government agency, lawyer, health clinic, lawyer. Sure makes me want to go downtown and hang with my buds, not!

    Now it's "let's build condos with shops and eliminate all parking."

    Anybody see the multiple big d'oh's on that one?

    February 14, 2013 at 3:05 PM

    Wasn't that Randy and Anne Parker who are now going through a divorce or are divorced?


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