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Monday, February 04, 2013

Lesbian Wife Named Fort Bragg's Spouse Of The Year

A lesbian wife of a Fort Bragg soldier was named the installation's military spouse of the year through a voting competition.

Ashley Broadway is not recognized as a spouse under federal law, and she recently was denied official membership in a Fort Bragg officers' spouses organization.
But her selection in the competition by Military Spouse magazine was praised by advocates for gays and lesbians, who say it underscores the need for the federal government to extend full benefits to same-sex couples.



  1. What is this world coming to??

  2. Closer and closer to the Apocalypse 1:32.

  3. 1:32 the world is progressing. Try to keep up. The 50s are not coming back.

    1. I would not call this progress.The morals of this country has been its downfall.

  4. Alex, you are VERY confused.
    The world is actually regressing and transgressing, but definitely NOT progressing and many Americans sure do wish the 50's would come back because our country is quickly going downhill.

  5. the Rapture can not come soon enough!!

  6. I agree with Anon 3:43.
    Our world has become a more hellish place to exist.

  7. Heteronormativity is the body of lifestyle norms that hold that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life. It also holds that heterosexuality is the normal sexual orientation, and states that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between a man and a woman. Consequently, a "heteronormative" view is one that involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles.(Wikipedia)

    Is our world view really so regimented and narrow that we only see idealized male and female roles and bodies, and that there are no variables, or that those variables are somehow inherently shameful or wrong?

  8. One continues the population, the other ends it. For me, it's a no brainer. For others like Alex, it's just too much to handle!

  9. No agenda in the selection.

  10. File this under the "C'mon man" section. For real? Out of the many THOUSANDS of heterosexual wives who volunteer their time and do all kinds of sacrifices, they pick a LESBIAN as "Spouse of the YEAR"? I guarantee you this was nothing but a politcially correct move that was REALLY pushed hard by the brass on that post. Just to show the world how open and fair the military has become. Forget the wife whose husband came back without legs and not only cares for him daily but voluteers at the local hospital, raises 3 young kids and helps run a charity for returning veterans. SHE didn't make the cut, huh? And 5:23 has eaten the entire cake of "everybody is okay" (they are not) and washed it down with a healthy glass of pseudo-intellectual Wikipedia psycho-babble propaganda for the masses. Wikipedia? REALLY? HA! Double HA!!!

  11. Alex said...

    1:32 the world is progressing. Try to keep up. The 50s are not coming back.

    Please alex, explain to me how politically-correct posturing is an example of 'progress'. And don't be such a snarky punk - what do you know about the 50's?

  12. I am surprised that all the respondents that were SO
    OFFENDED actually own a TV, let alone turn it on! How sinful!


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