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Friday, February 22, 2013

Law Enforcement “Requested” Shooting Targets Of Pregnant Women



  1. So how many out there trust this goverment? Not me.

  2. Bow down you sheeple BOW DOWN TO YOUR KING OBAMMA

  3. Birth control , cheaper than dirt.
    I saw these pictures , look real close , I didn't see any blacks as targets. Mmmm , wonder why?

  4. Zero trust and zero respect.

  5. I'd say this is a sign.
    This is direct proof of the Government's intentions.

    Range target area's around the country will soon fill with targets of police, TSA, DHS, IRS and FBI agents. Deservedly so.
    What kind of moron would even shoot at one of these let alone TRAIN with them. What kind of moron that works for this Government would authorize this??
    The bigger they are the harder they fall.

  6. I don't know, pregnate mothers are very protective (the ones that didn't kill their babies through abortion) and are therefore a threat!

  7. It is becoming more common for extremists to utilize woman (even pregnant ones) in carrying out attacks. While I am not aware of any instances of this occurring in the US (yet..) wouldn't it be more prudent for those who are on the "front lines" here at home to be prepared to recognize and deal with a threat in a seemingly harmless pregnant woman... I don't know about you, but put a pregnant woman with a gun in front of me and I am sure I will hesitate (and probably get hit first)

    No people were harmed in the shooting of these targets. I can assure you that there will not be a mass genocide targeting pregnant woman in this country....

  8. 11:19 Your assurances make me feel so much better. And I assure you drones will never be used against American citizens. And I assure you the NDAA is for our protection.

  9. Downsizing is'nt such a bad idea.

  10. Govt publications usually go to comical lengths to include people of all races in anything they portray. This just looks like an exercise of kill Whitey. Seems I remember a big uproar when the DOD was issuing some targets that typified muslims. Where's that bunch now?

  11. Obama Socialist MotorsFebruary 23, 2013 at 12:21 AM

    WTH!? If this isn't WAKE UP CALL,, I don't know what is. Why would anyone in their right mind try to use these posters for a TARGET PRACTICE? Are they practicing how to shoot pregnant women?

  12. 12:21...just another step. They have already been training Marines in the suppression of civil unrest. Which is, of course, the main thing Marines do. The government has bought millions of body bags, bought billions of rounds of rifle ammo, constructed "camps" designed for mass containment (denied by Congress until confronted with the actual legislation), has enacted the the NDAA and the Patriot Act, which essentially erases the Bill of Rights, and spies, tracks, and scrutinizes it citizens on a scale never seen in history (ESPECIALLY in a free country). But no worries, mate. Taken together, it's a picture of the baddest wolf on the planet in the sheep's den, eating whatever it wants. Taken separately, they're easily dismissed by the sheep as scary noise from the frightened farmers wife, but nothing to get excited about. Until the wolf crashes through the kitchen window. To continue eating. Too late by then to resist or complain.


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