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Monday, February 04, 2013

Hybrid Car Owners Protest McDonnell's Proposed Fee

RICHMOND, Va. - Hybrid and electric car owners circled the Virginia Capitol to protest a $100 yearly fee that would be placed on their vehicles if Gov. Bob McDonnell's transportation plan passes.

On Thursday, a Senate committee reviewed the $3.1 billion transportation package that would eliminate the state's gas tax and impose the $100 fee.

McDonnell called the fee on alternative fuel vehicles a substitute for losses in the federal gas tax when he appeared on WTOP's "Ask the Governor" showthis week.

"It's meant to compensate for the federal gas tax that those vehicles do not pay," he said.


  1. They use the highways, let them pay the fee.

  2. Good ....they use less gas and the rest of us pay it because the oil companies WILL pass it on to us.

  3. Except that they pay the costs and taxes attributable to the production of electricity. NO energy is produced without the 'authorization" and "assistance" of several govt entities who are entitled to their share (taxes). Remember "You didn't make that, the gov't let you do it."

  4. There is no escaping the slavery, to taxes, to your government.

  5. There IS ONE escape. Not for them, but for us, "we, the people". And they are very very afraid that we are seeing the light. Thats why our "leaders" are buying BILLIONS of rounds of high powered rifle ammunition and practicing the suppression of urban violence, civil unrest, and preparing for mass casualties. Those are facts. Documented by our own government and available for viewing and reading. Ready or not, believe it or not, revolution is coming. THEY are NOT getting ready, and training mightily for, a National Day Of Happiness. Or for fighting "terrorists", unless they are anticipating an invasion of the USA by every country on the planet. At one time. And are counting on the GSA (!!) to be part of our defensive posture.


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