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Monday, February 11, 2013

Households On Foodstamps Rise To New Record

While hardly presented by the mainstream media with the same panache dedicated to the monthly ARIMA-X-12 seasonally-adjusted, climate-affected, goal-seek devised non-farm payroll data, the three month delayed Foodstamp number is according to many a far greater attestation to the "effectiveness" of the Obama administration to turn the economy around. And far greater it is: since his inauguration, the US has generated just 841,000 jobs through November 2012, a number is more than dwarfed by the 17.3 million new foodstamps and disability recipients added to the rolls in the past 4 years. And since the start of the depression in December 2007, America has seen those on foodstamps and disability increase by 21.8 million, while losing 3.6 million jobs. End result: total number of foodstamp recipients as of November: 47.7 million, an increase of 141,000 from the prior month, and reversing the brief downturn in October, while total US households on foodstamps just hit an all time record of 23,017,768, an increase of 73,952 from the prior month. The cost to the government to keep these 23 million households content and not rising up? $281.21 per month per household.



  1. Like Stalin and Mao, make the masses dependent on the Government for food and control them through starvation. For all you naysayers just google how many people died under their reign--and we have the same type of administration now.

  2. Why cant they TAX food-stamp benefits i don't think people on food-stamps would miss $6-$7 dollars on a $100 and they would at least CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING, Just a thought???

  3. The only money being made out here is in government workers, grants, subsidies through our tax dollars.There is very little private money being made so it's no surprise the amount of food stamps.

  4. BKLN... That would be racist, sexist, etc.


  5. Why?Whites,Blacks,Asians, Latinos,ETC ETC are on it how is it RACIST???

  6. In the old days corrupt politicians would hand out booze and/or money for your vote. Now the Democrats hand out food stamps.
    When the government does go bankrupt (pretty soon according to the math) that little debit card will be useless. The more recepients that jump on the gravy train the sooner we go there.

  7. BKLN
    Tax a free handout?
    You mean take some of the money you are giving thyem in the form of a handout and keep it?
    With the beauracracy you create, it would cost money.
    How about a work requirement for food stamps?
    Any able bodied recipient would be required to work or sit in a job bank.

  8. I won't say who I am but I am more than grateful for people who share lunches or have to much in the fridge and don't want it to go bad. Being hungry and trying to pay all the right bill and not getting the big screen tv or phones I see everywhere is an on going battle. For those who use them wisely I would gladly give but I want to draw the line when I am getting ramen noodles and they buy cookies?
    you never know who is hungry

  9. 6:19 Thanks for the reminder that we do need to look out for the poor. The abuse of food stamps makes us angry and we may forget. And thanks for spelling and saying ramen noodles, not ROMAN noodles. Willful ignorence just bugs me.


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