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Friday, February 15, 2013

"His Love For Christ"

On the Today Show, Matt Lauer interviewed the wife of one of the Navy Seals killed in Bengazi. 

Matt asked her what she would say to her children about their dad and how she would want them to remember him. She said, and I quote, "His love for Christ," and then continued with a few other things.
Throughout the day and on MSN homepage, when the story is replayed they have edited the "His love for Christ" part out. Why? Because using the word, "Christ" might offend someone.
Well, I am a Christian and I am offended! Offended that they would edit it out. Offended that we as Christians are asked to tread lightly so as not to offend someone of another religion.
I think anyone who missed the original broadcast this morning should know what NBC has done. This man loved his country and loved his God and gave his life for both, just as Christ gave His life for him.


  1. You can take the Christ out of NBC. But you can't take the Christ out of me.

  2. Christians are going to have to take a stand in these last days. The time of wishy washy churcy church Cristianity is gone.

  3. I don't know why anyone is tuning in to NBC anyway...they are for Obama 100%. I hope the families of the 4 murdered in Bengazi will be invited to Fox News channel and that they will give them ample time to give their complete stories about their loved ones! I think we need to hear from them....better yet, I think Obama and Hillary need to hear from them thru their lawyers!

  4. The liberals hate what they can't control. No one can stop Gods love.


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