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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gun Rights Draws Crowd to Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Andy Harris in Ocean City

It was a full house at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in Ocean City this afternoon as area residents sat in on a Town Hall Meeting with 1st District Congressman Andy Harris about gun rights and gun issues.

After the most recent incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School, numerous measures have been proposed both at the state level and in Congress that would affect licensing, registration, guns and ammunition. However Congressman Harris says none of these measures – including the legislation proposed by Governor Martin O'Malley would – had they been in place – would have stopped what occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

O'Malley's plan is a 4-point measure to limit gun violence and includes a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity gun magazines, strict gun licensing rules, to strengthen school security and aid those with mental illnesses.



  1. O'malley could care less about the safety of the kids. But he loves the idea of more taxes.

  2. MOM's bill has nothing to do with safety. He wants to take away rights of law abiding citizens. Apparently he doesn't care about his family otherwise he would want to protect them. If his priority was to save lives, he would spend his time and efforts on banning abortions or drunk driving. You libs aren't fooling anybody. This bill is all about confiscation of guns to obtain power, money, getting re-elected.

  3. No new gun laws. NO COMPROMISE!

  4. I don't think so either 7:33 because if he did he would be pushing for immediate proactive measures such as Del McDermott's proposal.
    We can argue gun control measures all day long but the bottom line is they really do nothing to prevent someone intent on killing children in a school. It's way more complicated. We all wish ensuring and improving school safety could be as simplistic as gun control but it's no more than wishful thinking. No different than the idea that making certain drugs illegal would control drug addiction and usage.

  5. O'Malley is fast becoming an enemy of the Constitution and the citizen's of Maryland. He should be prosecuted as such for treason.

  6. There is not one line in the twenty something page bill that would have prevented Sandy Hook or the theater shooter. It only turns law abiding citizens into criminals.

  7. Time for O'malley to put his money where his mouth is and releav his security detial of carrying fire arms. Oh that's right he likes the guns that protect he and his family

  8. It's much easier for cowardly despots to deal with law abiding citizens than to admit that sectors of the population have devolved into a culture of barbarism

  9. Thank you Andy for your suport of the second amendment & your suport of the Eastern Shore.

  10. We know where Dels Otto and McDermott stand on this issue but it's time we've heard from the other low shore lawmakers. Quite a few seem to be remaining silent. Well you know what-we have their number and what they are doing is waiting to see if O'malley has the votes to pass and then if their vote isn't needed they will vote against the measure.
    We need to demand that they start manning up and release official statements on their positions immediately.
    They need to start acting like real men (and woman) instead of obediant lapdogs.

  11. I was at the meeting and it was good to see so many people standing up for our 2nd amendment rights. If there was a main theme I would say it was how the proposed MD draconian legislation will turn A LOT OF PEOPLE into a new class of criminal, those terrible terrorists that believe in the constitution and the 2nd amendment without restrictions from the state (including a $450.00 tax for handgun owners). Also the WMDT so-called coverage at 7:00 pm was blatant lame anti-gun propaganda, I guess they are trying to outdo WBOC.

  12. Anonymous said...
    ...You libs aren't fooling anybody....

    February 17, 2013 at 8:29 AM

    This is a very inaccurate statement. They are fooling a lot of people. They are fooling more libs and a lot of soft hearted Repulicans(read RINO's).

  13. Anyone know of any prepper or second amendment groups on the Eastern Shore Salisbury aera.

  14. Salisbury Gun Club is not prepper, but is pro 2nd!

  15. Mike McDermott was very passionate about his belief in the 2nd Amendment. I wish we could get a governor like him!

  16. Somehow I think good ol Norm Conway will "forget" to vote.


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