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Friday, February 15, 2013

Gun Control

Thank you for contacting me to express your views on gun control. I appreciate you taking the time to write.

I am horrified by gun violence in our country. The shooting that occurred on December 14th in Newtown, Connecticut - the murder of 20 sweet, innocent children and the six adults who died protecting them - is an unthinkable, terrible tragedy. I join with all Americans during this tragic time in extending my deepest condolences to these victims' families, who are facing an incredible amount of grief and heartache.

Now more than ever, we need to work together to make sure another tragedy like this never happens again. I support the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. I also believe that we can take steps to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and those with mental illnesses without infringing on the right of law-abiding citizens to buy firearms.

That is why I believe that we must take a substantive look at various proposals to strengthen background checks and get assault weapons off our streets. This includes reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban and limiting the use of high capacity ammunition. I have also continually supported extending required background checks at gun shows to help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. Your views will be helpful to me as we further consider this issue.

While we need to look at gun control, I believe we must also look at the mental health issues that plague our nation. We need to make sure that people have access to the services they need. As a senior member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, I fought for over ten years to get mental health parity passed so that all Americans suffering from mental illness could have access to the treatments they need. We also need to find better ways to treat, or even cure, mental illnesses. That's why I am such a strong supporter of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). I will continue to fight to improve and expand mental health services.

Again, thanks for getting in touch with me about this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can assist you with in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator


  1. She just doesnt get it, WHY is she in office anyway? SHe has been there for last 15 years and done nothing really, these career politicians are a joke. Well fed though, thats for sure.

  2. Barb. I agree with you to a point. Your heart is in your statement. Part of looking at the mental issues that plague our nation, you are the problem. You believe that we must remain in debt so we have to rely on the Government to survive. You, Obama, O'Malley, and Hitler, are all on the same page.

  3. Alzheimers. It's a terrible thing. Maybe she's be more convincing if she were helping some girl scouts sell cookies. Has anyone seen her alive lately?

  4. Guns don't kill people, criminals kill people.

    Go after the criminals and give them harsher sentences. Make them serve hard time just like they do in Russia. We are wasting to much time and money temporarily housing criminal in country club like atmospheres.

  5. Hey we voted them in we can vote them. All of them and this is what they need to know

  6. 17 references as "I, me and my". She represents us, the voters. We have to find a way to hold public officials accountable for us.

  7. Why don't people get it? Gun bans, of any type, sort or duration, do NOT work.

    At least they do not work as to their exclaimed goals.

    They may work to disarm some citizens. But not criminals.

    Indeed, they increase the number of 'criminals' who 'legally' purchase, own, possess those types of weapons.

    We will always have firearms in this country. (hopefully) And rightly so. They are a much needed tool to get, retain and preserve FREEDOM.

    If you ALLOW anyone to take, destroy, confiscate, ban the sale, ownership and/or possession of any type of firearm, you will lose much more than your weapons.

    The 2nd amendment is the CORNERSTONE of all our freedoms.

    If that is removed, the entire structure, our freedom, will fall.

    Who would want to live in that type of atmosphere?

    If any do, there are places one could move to for that end, enjoy the oppression.

    Do not make all of us suffer for your mistaken agendas.

    Chris Dorner is just the beginning. I fully expect this type of event to happen again, if we stay on this course and continue to allow the type of behavior he described in his 'manifesto'.

    I know it may not be popular with some of you but, it is what it is.

  8. Is it possible that these morons we elect to national offices actually don't understand the words in the 2nd Amendment, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"?

    The Supreme court can't overturn that, neither can the president. Only the legislative branch can void the 2nd Amendment with a new Amendment which would then become part of the constitution. That AINT gonna happen; it would be political suicide for 98% of the representatives of both parties to take such a repulsive, anti-American stance!

  9. She is now carrying the United States' checkbook in her pocketbook as Chairwoman of the Senate's Appropriations Committee. Alot of federal construction projects comes to the state where the Senate's Chairperson of the Appropriations Committee represents.

    Joe, as mayor of Salisbury, you'll want to wine and dine Barbara and soak her for as much federal spending you can get from her for Salisbury. An opportunity like this will not come to Salisbury again in our lifetime.

  10. Barbara, in this letter you address (not) the mental health issue by throwing money at and supporting the exact system that is in place today and obviously not working. Gee, thanks.
    You also state that you have no idea what an assault weapon is, since they have been off the streets for 16 years but you think they are still here.
    And a high capacity "ammunition", or as we know it as a "magazine" is my 2A right as long as my government has them to use.
    You are a clueless, ignorant puppet and you need to abstain from voting on this issue as well as just about all others I have written you about.

  11. Man , did she beat around the bush or what , typical political answer that says nothing.

  12. aint it time for her to be mugged again?

  13. "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing..

  14. Notice how these libtards always say how they support 2nd ammendment right of guns owners and then follow with proposals that would infringe on those rights?

  15. I got that reply to my first message. I then went to her site, pasted that reply first, then wrote out detailed replies to her points. What do I get back? The exact same reply as her first. DO THEY EVEN LISTEN? READ? CARE?


  17. Did someone forgot to mention to Barb about state of Connecticut having strictest gun control laws in the country? Did it stop the shooter? NO. What about city of Chicago, strictest gun laws in America, and highest gun murder rate in the country, where criminals have guns and citizens have nothing but broomsticks to defend themselves with. Barb, you demand guntrol for us, well we demand your personal bodyguards to be disarmed as well. And same for O'Malley and Obama's Secret Service personel, they can use water pistols instead. What's good for us and our protection of our families, ITS JUST AS GOOD FOR YOU.

  18. Can someone please explain to me exactly what she said?

  19. she wont no she cant give a reason to ban assault weapons not a clue I asked her the question response thanks for your interest we need to ban assault weapons now my reply we need to vote you out of office

  20. 12:12 am, why don't you mention the "well regulated militia" part of the amendment? All the folks who run around yelling "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" act as if the rest of the population cannot read.

    I am not the kind of person who wants to ban all guns BTW. But increased regulation of guns is the wave of the future. I guess you guys who are slavering for a second American revolution will need to start hoarding tanks and missiles.

  21. I am not the kind of person who wants to ban all guns BTW. But increased regulation of guns is the wave of the future. I guess you guys who are slavering for a second American revolution will need to start hoarding tanks and missiles.

    February 16, 2013 at 12:06 PM

    Sigh. There is to be NO regulation on the 2nd amendment.

    Wise guys like you who are so quick to roll over are part of the problem and can't see past the end of your nose.

    It is the DUTY of every American to rebel against ANY government that operates contrary to the Constitution of the United States.

    You keep compromising and you will compromise yourselves right out of existence.

  22. I dont think any of them read what you email them. Their minds are made up and the same response gets sent to everyone. WHEN WILL THEY START LISTENING TO WHAT WE ARE SAYING

  23. How about banning the pharmaceutical companies from making meds that are making people "crazy" in the first place!
    And then how about banning the violence on tv and in movies.

  24. There will be new gun laws. The 2nd Amendment does not have be changed, to be interpreted differently by the Supreme Court. In fact, the entire Constitution can be interpreted differently. Compared to most of the world, we are a new country that is still evolving. With that evolution comes necessary change. Gun ownership will become a privilege, instead of a right, as it should be.

  25. 4:06
    You are a fool!
    The constitution and the bill of rights is to protect you from a tyranical government. There is no "new interpretation"
    There is only uprising and civil war.

  26. if you see her mouth moving, she is spewing crap. she is living proof of whats wrong with our govt. thanks sjd

  27. 406, what flavor of Koolaid are you drinking? If you cannot interpret a complete sententence without a spin, then you are incapable of reading complete sentences.

    I wish you failure in your new project.

  28. There will be new gun laws. The 2nd Amendment does not have be changed, to be interpreted differently by the Supreme Court. In fact, the entire Constitution can be interpreted differently. Compared to most of the world, we are a new country that is still evolving. With that evolution comes necessary change. Gun ownership will become a privilege, instead of a right, as it should be.

    February 16, 2013 at 4:06 PM

    It has already been ruled upon. They can attempt to change it, but they will not succeed.

    The only privilege is allowing you and your kind to live in this country. And it bother me in the least if that privilege were revoked, with extreme prejudice.

    You are not an American. You know little of history or law.

    You can change YOUR interpretation of the constitution, but you will be the only one. Alone.

    I will take the high road and not insult you, suffice it to say you are wrong.

  29. No interpretation you say? Ever heard of a little thing called the Supreme Court? The Constitution is dead. Continuing to drag its body out to pretend we can revive it is useless. We need to let it go and figure out where to move forward. There’s no return to the past.

  30. Read all of the 14th amendment. The supreme court found it upheld the 2nd

  31. No interpretation you say? Ever heard of a little thing called the Supreme Court? The Constitution is dead. Continuing to drag its body out to pretend we can revive it is useless. We need to let it go and figure out where to move forward. There’s no return to the past.

    February 16, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Of course, I have heard of the United States Supreme Court. That is where I said the constitution has already been ruled upon.

    You know, the highest court in this country. The law of the land. The buck stops there. Do YOU know about the Supreme Court?

    You are trying to infuse your fantasy into a conversation that is based on fact and the rule of law. You lose, and rightfully so.

    The constitution of the United States is NOT dead. It is a living document. It is not intended to follow society. Society is obligated to FOLLOW IT.

    If enough states do not want to follow a part of the constitution, 2/3 can ratify an amendment to alter the course of this country.

    Only then will it be legal and proper to change the course of this country and follow a new lead.

    If the constitution were dead, we would be living in a lawless state of communities.

    Granted, we may be headed towards a lawless country, but we have not arrived there yet.

    The past can be a good teacher, but it is not usually somewhere one wishes to live.

    The constitution is very much alive. If it were allowed to die and become null and void, this country would die, cease to exist as we know and love it.

    I, for one, am not ready or willing to throw in the towel just yet. I will fight and kill for my RIGHT to be free and to be happy.

    Empty words to some. But if we continue along this course, government and people will find out just how much they have been underestimating the American people and their desire to be free!

  32. 406, what flavor of Koolaid are you drinking? If you cannot interpret a complete sententence without a spin, then you are incapable of reading complete sentences.

    I wish you failure in your new project.

    February 16, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    I just noticed this post to the 406 manchild. Well said.


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