SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, April 14, 2013for Great Clue Caper 4! Team registration is now open! Our committee has been busy planning, coming up with new ideas and new twists to make it even more fun for our teams.
What is the Great Clue Caper?
Only the most fun you'll have raising money for a good cause. Teams of 2 to 5 players will be solving puzzles and searching for different locations in Wicomico County, all in hopes of winning $1,000 for their team, and $1,000 to donate to the charity of their choice.
Check out the video Outdoors Delmarva did on our event last yearHere, and go Hereto see some pictures of last year's fun.
Yes and while you're at it, OBEY traffic laws. A friend was T-Boned and lost her vehicle...lucky she wasn't hurt too badly. But she was hurt. Guy ran an intersection on a hot clue...inexcusable!
Yes and while you're at it, OBEY traffic laws. A friend was T-Boned and lost her vehicle...lucky she wasn't hurt too badly. But she was hurt. Guy ran an intersection on a hot clue...inexcusable!