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Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Only corrupt politician hacks that slither through the State House in Harrisburg could possibly oppose the privitazation of the State monopoly on liquor sales in Pennsylvania. Governor Corbett is again taking on the government union drones that are ruining the finances of the state. Fast Eddie Rendell did nothing about this outrage in his 8 years as governor, because he and his Democratic cronies are bought and sold by the unions. Pennsylvanians are stuck with a Prohibition era system of State owned and operated liquor stores. You cannot buy alcohol anywhere but State stores and Beer distributors. It’s a monopoly that drives prices sky high, reduces selection, increases the inconvenience for every person in PA, and pays for the gold plated pensions of 3,500 retail union government drones. This antiquated, inefficient, expensive joke of a system is kept in place by corrupt politicians to benefit 3,500 drones at the expense of the 12.7 million Pennsylvanians who are plagued by high prices and limited selection.

Corbett’s plan would end the monopoly, allow alcohol to be sold at grocery stores, Costco, and anyone willing to pay for a new license. Prices would plummet, as free market competition would work its magic. The selection and convenience for customers would increase dramatically. And it would raise $1 billion of revenue for the schools. And here is why I despise government unions. The school systems across the state are being destroyed by the pension payouts to the union teacher gold plated funds put into place and not funded by prior administrations. These same government union workers will fight Corbett’s plan to privatize the State stores, even though the money raised will go towards the school budgets. Theses unions don’t care about students or taxpayers. They only care about getting as much out of the taxpayer as they can and funneling money to politicians who protect their interests.

Polls show there is overwhelming support for privatizing the state stores. So what will the politicians do? They will ignore the will of the people and vote against Corbett’s plan. Remember TARP? Over 90% of Americans were against it. What did the politicians do?


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