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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Gov. Bob McDonnell Cuts State Employee Hours To Avoid Obamacare Costs

About 10,000 Virginia public employees are poised to see their hours cut back as Gov. Bob McDonnell continues to find ways around what he said were President Obama's costly health care reforms.

Both the Virginia House and Senate passed budget amendments that will cap part-time state workers at 29 hours a week to avoid complying with a provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that requires businesses and governments to offer health insurance to any wage employee that averages 30 hours a week. A final budget compromise will come next week and is likely to contain the language.

By ensuring no employees reach that threshold, the state estimates it will save $110 million a year that otherwise would have gone to provide benefits to workers and their families starting next year. Businesses like national pizza-maker Papa John's have threatened similar action.



  1. This will boost "Job Creation" by the "Government", as everyone now will have to have TWO JOBS to make ends meet, then shell out for their own insurance, or suck up some obamacare that will determine how long you will be allowed to live.

  2. It's a shame we have to go this route because our senators and congressmen never read the bill. Now life sucks more. Thanks, "Representatives".

  3. welcome to the new slavery. instead of repealing this TAX they all fall in line and contiune to send millions into poverty.

  4. States, county governments, city governments, big business, small business - they all have to do what they have to do.

    Remember Romney the man with the proven plan for jobs wasn't elected.

    The money will run out.

  5. Alex,

    McDonnell is saving his state and taxpayers money. Go fluff O'Malley, you seem like you'd enjoy it.

  6. Alex. I don't think that saving taxpayers 110 million dollars a year makes him an idiot. Perhaps you should encourage him to change his mind and you can pick up the additional costs.

  7. Now all you hard working mean butts on here can go to work at McDonalds when you leave your cushy office chairs. And good luck with that.no jobs here to pick up.guess what? Yalls will be in the welfare line with the rest of us.when your hours get cut and you can't make it you will be just like the so called bums you complain about getting good stamps.oh karma is a Bitch.

  8. Smart move 110 million dollars worth. Don't blame the man, blame the creator of Obamacare and liberals who pushed it on us, the taxpayers. Hey Alex, you get what you voted for, if you any questions call 1 800 OBAMA

  9. 945-I've never been on a welfare line in my life, and I'm proud of that!

  10. Other states and smaller local governements have had to make similar adjustments like this as a direct result of Obamacare and the added costs. Baltimore City just announced new hires will recieve a different benefit package.
    It's called budgets, Alex. It's not as easy as just printing more money.
    This points to another Obama lie. He claimed time and time again that Obamacare mirrored Romneycare which in itself is untrue. Romney knew that in order for the MA healthcare law enacted to work state spending had to be cut in other areas so that was done and the budget balanced beforehand.

  11. Okay Alex and others-Start thinking. If there is no money to pay for Obamacare there's no money. It's that simple. Stop being ecomonically challenged and start using your own heads instead of believing everything out of the democrats mouths. They have and continue to lie to you. Stop believing it because you are starting to look like complete fools. Most states and local governments have taken hugh hits on property assessment taxes for one thing. Most states and local governments have more retirees on the books than they do actual employees. It's all simple math-there is no money.
    Obamacare was a stupid idea dreamed up by a foolish man. But I will admit he did make sure it wasn't implimented until after the election, so all the peons who voted for him wouldn't know how damaging it was going to be.

  12. 9:45 PM, neither have I, but with all due respect, never say never. You should be thinking, "There but for the grace of God go I."

  13. Don't blame McDonnell or any one else for abiding by the rules set forth under the Super Unaffordable Health Care Act. Money doesn't grow on trees people and government doesn't create anything either. We the people create, government takes away. Period. Then government gives our hard earned money away to those that apparently need it more than we do.

    I do believe that as a caring and compassionate society we should take care of the TRULY needy among us. And if all we helped was the TRULY needy government could cut our taxes in half or more. But no, we have to provide for everyone who WANTS, not NEEDS.

  14. "WANTS, not NEEDS"-Great point
    9:39. Case in point, Obamaphones. The idea of free phones for those who qualified has been around for quite awhile, though limited. Slaveboy Obama again at the lobbying of cell phone service providers expanded on the program racking in millions in fed contracts for these companies. Never ever has any other president been so controlled by wall street and big corporations.
    The ones getting these phones can't see the forest through the trees. The 100's of millions spent on these contracts would be better served put back into communities.
    Same with the food stamp expansion. That was done to line the pockets of Slave Obama's Masters in the banking industry. The whole while these Fat Cats are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer with no hope for the future because jobs are becoming scarcer and no money to improve neighborhoods.


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