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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Girl Scout Cookies

It’s time again for Girl Scout Cookie sales. Please remember that this is a FUND RAISER for one of the most wonderful organizations in the world, just like the ”RED KETTLE” fund raising at xmas time. If you buy cookies you don’t really have to take your change. If you don’t buy cookies, you can still donate a dollar or two and get a beautiful smile. If you really believe in this organization a $ “fiver” would be quite appropriate. This time it is really ”for the children.”


  1. The cost of the cookies is ridiculous. The girl scouts receive about .50 on each box so they don't make much money off of the sales. Then you have the over satuaration of girls scouts selling everywhere.

  2. 1031, that is not exactly true about how much the troop makes.

    They make a percentage off the total boxes sold. The more they sell, the higher percentage. The troop my daughter belongs to does very well.

    As far as the area being over-saturated, I look at it as a good thing. Girl Scouts is a wonderful program, the more the merrier.

  3. For the price, not worth the money. Cookies are overpriced

  4. If all you are looking at is the price, you can get CHEAP cookies anywhere, but you won't find better.. You're not looking at the whole picture. They are not in competition with the stores, IT'S A FUND RAISER that teaches kids how the economy works !!.

  5. You can also purchase the cookies to be sent to our troops overseas. I do not buy the cookies for my family but buy them for our troops ($60 ) and the girls get credit toward number sold.

  6. Love those chocolate mints...

  7. Where does your $ 4.00 go. That is a good question, this is what I teach my girls and where the money goes.

    $ 1.80 to about $ 1.90 goes to year round support which includes to service ctr's, 4 outdoor Educational / Camp Facilities, Program material, Equipment, Recrutiment, Volunteers Services unit events.

    $ 1.05 goes to cookie program support, cost of cookies, delievery cost and educational materials

    $ .90 to 1.10 goes to Direct Troop / Service Unit Support

    The monies above are for the Chesapeake Bay Council Service Unit 97 and includes many many many Troops. The CBC terrority is from norther delaware through southern eastern shore maryland.

    So yes, seems to be a little expensive for a box of cookies. The cookies are all natural, they give back to the area's where palm oil is harvest as to not over harvest, the carment for samoas are cooked in the old copper kettles, the peanut butter in the tags are the reeses famous peanut butter. There a many reciepes using the GS Cookie.

    The camps I mentioned are located on the Easternshore, 2 Delaware and 2 Maryland.


    Just tell us no when we ask, and we will just smile and say "Thank You"

    The Troop my daughter and I are with, will be donating part of the proceeds to HALO

  8. "Anonymous said...
    For the price, not worth the money. Cookies are overpriced

    February 12, 2013 at 11:42 AM"

    It's a fundraiser. It's like if you go to an "all you can eat" fundraiser, manners and decorum dictate that it is impolite to engage in gluttony.
    When fundraising is the objective getting one's "money's worth" should never be expected.

    I don't even care for the cookies but since I do believe the Girl Scouts are a very worthwhile organization for young ladies I always buy them.

  9. It's not the girls fault but the girl scout organization is a liberal group. Money goes toward supporting liberals and liberal causes. I will not be buying any more cookies.

  10. I don't buy the cookies, they are a rip-off, and overpriced regardless of fundraising, just not worth it. I wish the girl scouts well but they won't get my families money.

  11. Next time you are at Walmart, go in the cookie isle and purchase Keeblers coconut delights. They are the exact cookie (somoas) that the girl scouts sell. The only difference is Keebler sells their cookies for $1.98 girl scouts sell for $4.00. In todays economy I'd rather save the money, I'll not overpay for anything.

  12. Participate or not, It's your choice. That's why it's called "Free Enterprise. Although it won't be long before it will be "government mandated enterprise."

  13. I can't believe the number of people complaining about the cost of the cookies. My father always told me that if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything.

    We live in a selfish time. Me me me. The same people that are complaining about $4.00 cookies will buy $7.00 cigarettes to poison themselves with or a $10.00 twelve pack to get a buzz.

    I don't make much money in this economy anymore (self employed business owner) but I still find a couple dollars here and there to donate to good causes. Please try to remember the golden rule. And while you are at it, stop complaining about nothing, just shut up and walk by the nice kids selling the cookies and continue to be selfish (and quiet about it).


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