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Friday, February 01, 2013

Get This!

Celebrity chef Mario Batali, fed up with overzealous city health inspections, plans a new weapon at his eateries — a hidden alarm that alerts kitchen workers that an inspector has arrived so they can quickly trash any meals they’re cooking and scram.

A button at the hostess stand triggers a loud buzzer in the kitchen, said a Batali employee, and gives staff a chance to toss out what’s on the stove or in the oven and go on break before the inspector enters.

“You’re supposed to keep pressing that button,” the employee said.

Without meals or chefs, a kitchen is less likely to get nailed, since infractions often involve dishes being held at improper temperatures and food workers not following rules. Fines can top $5,000 per visit and result in a “B” or “C” grade.



  1. Somebody needs to take a stand against these government terrorists. GOOD for him.

  2. I guess his food does suck.

  3. He is also a Pom-pas idiot.

  4. He needs to move his operation to the Eastern Shore.No one will bother him here.

  5. I agree with 11:20.. good for this owner.., more should do the same.

  6. So, having someone check to make sure that the food a restaurant serves is at a temperature high enough so bacteria doesn't grow is "government terrorism?" Are you really that moronic? People die from food poisoning from poorly run restaurants every day! I wish you the best of luck eating at them. (And, just to make your blood boil, Batali is as left leaning as they come)


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