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Thursday, February 14, 2013


President Barack Obama will deliver his State of the Union address on Tuesday to a nation that disapproves of the way he is handling nearly every issue, including gun control and the federal deficit.

According to a Gallup poll, 42% of Americans approve of Obama's gun policies while 54% disapprove.

On taxes, 41% approve and 57% disapprove. On the economy, 39% approve and 60% disapprove. On "the situation in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians," 36% approve and 55% disapprove.



  1. Not at the voting booth.

  2. Tomorrow night (Fri) at 9pm tune into FoxNews and the Sean Hannity show. The guest for the full hour will be Dr Ben Carson, world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon.

    Dr Carson was born in poverty stricken Detroit and raised by a single mother. His mother worked as a housekeeper for several families. Instead of resenting those she worked for, she studied and emulated what made them successful and applied this to raising her 2 sons. One son grew up to become a brain surgeon, the other son literally a rocket scientist.

  3. 1:01 That is because the libbies sent out bus's to bring in the uneducated and misinformed to vote for them.

    Remember the free cell phones? Bribery will almost always work for some.

    So, the next time we have an election I hope that people who do work, who are informed and who do care about our country TAKE THE TIME TO GET OUT AND VOTE.

  4. then how in the world did he get himself re-elected?!?!?!?!

    can you say "VOTER FRAUD"?

  5. "Tune into Fox News" statement should immediately invalidate anything that follows it.

  6. Sean Hannity????? Really??? You people will never learn.

  7. Alex, When a brilliant man like Dr Carson chooses to appear on FoxNews than that should send a message to everyone. He is a genuis. No one is going to fool him and get away with it, lie to him and have him believe it.
    It is just killing the liberals that this black man dares to speak out against Obama's policies.
    Well I got news for you Alex, Dr Carson has forgotten more than Obama could ever hope to know. Dr Carson has done more for people than Obama will ever do. Not only are they direct opposites on the intellect scale, but the Carsons as classy people unlike the no class Obamas.
    You and others would do best to listen and take heed of everything Dr Carson's says because he's results driven as where Obama talks a good talk but....that's it he just talks and in the meantime racks up failure after failure.

  8. So 4:57, why is he going on Hannity show then?

  9. Because Alex because the liberals are attempting to marginalize and ridicule Dr Carson. It's digusting because all of them put together can't hold a candle to Dr Carson and his accomplishments. Hannity will treat Dr Carson with the respect he deserves. The liberal faction in an attempt to appear clever and witty would spend more time throwing out sarcasm (as they are doing now) because they are fuming over this great great black man criticising Obama.
    Everyone and anyone would do best to listen to him and what he has to say and most of all learn from him.
    I have been an admirer of his for over 20 yrs now and have mentioned him from time to time on this site for years with no knowledge until just last week of his political leanings. Anyone who dares to criticise this true hero isn't worth a damm.


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