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Friday, February 08, 2013

Free Internet For Everyone!

Well...almost. The FCC is considering plans to set-up free, high-speed public Wi-Fi in both major metropolitan areas, and rural areas. Though it would take several years to implement, this proposal could go a long way to bringing the United States up to speed with the rest of the developed world.


  1. I don't want my government giving me free internet. Once they own it, they will control it.

  2. I can't even get high speed Internet where I live now!

  3. Not to worry... Verizon and Comcast will NEVER let that happen. Together, they own enough politicians to stop it.

  4. Beats paying the high cost of Comcast internet.

  5. They probably have an ulterior motive, such as being able to snoop into everyone's business when people access the free service.
    Am not being paranoid... just realistic.

  6. There are many people that need to read and really analyze the childhood story of "Hanzle und Gretyl" .....The FREE stuff is the bait (ie. eat the candy house or get free internet).....The TRAP is the oven.....Let us pray that there is a Gretyl to save us and forgo the firey furnace

    Please think about it and study
    "A government that will feed you can also starve you"

  7. They're too busy defending their own networks from hackers. No shot of a national free WiFi network unless Google feels like throwing one up.
    Would be nice to have some competition in Salisbury to bring down Comcast's reign of terror pricing.

  8. it's another vote buying tactic. give the inner cities free internet while the rest of us pay for it and our own too.

  9. Big brother will be watching..all that glitters isn't gold.

  10. Ain't no such thing as a free lunch. There will be costs to pay, whether through higher taxes, loss of privacy, or other censure you can be sure!

  11. And what, praytell, is all that fiberoptic cable they buried alongside Rt 50 doing 4 years after it was laid?

    What happened to the east coast corridor of high-speed internet that was also supposed to provide to all remote area as well?

    The above comment mentioned Comcast....

    Where's there's stink there's manure.

  12. Comcast will give you a computer and let you have the internet for $9 a month if you are "poor." They have been pushing this in schools for several years now. Go into any school office and you will see a stack of flyers sitting there. Guess who is paying for this?

  13. I hears that downtown Snow Hill already has WI FI everywhere.

  14. They probably have an ulterior motive, such as being able to snoop into everyone's business when people access the free service.
    Am not being paranoid... just realistic.

    February 8, 2013 at 11:31 AM

    They already have been for years. Remember the Patriot Act? The other post 9-11 laws that were shoved through for our 'safety

    The government is not your friend.

  15. They'll set it up but it won't be free. You'll see.


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