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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Election Coverage

We will be updating this post throughout the night as information becomes available.

  • There will be around 140 votes cast in District 1 and over 700 in District 2

     District 1 Final Results 
    Shanie Shields 55 votes 
    Cynthia Polk 40 votes 
    April Jackson 39 votes 
    District 2 Final Results
    Jacob Day 803 votes
    Debbie Campbell 271
    Jack Heath 197 


  1. I can only hope the people of Salisbury send a message. Time for Jim and his flunkies to pack their bags.

  2. 12,000+ eligible voters and only 840+ voted.

    Just proves voters don't care

  3. That's good sign for district 1 in a primary really, lets hope we send Shanie packing tonight.

  4. What time will we know?

  5. Unbelievable, less than 1,000 votes cast, I guess people just don't care anymore, voting is a right and priveledge

  6. Wow, Debbie took a beating

  7. Sad day for Salisbury I'mjust glad I don't live there.

  8. I'm shocked at the lack of turnout. This just lets in the ramrods pay their shills to go to he polls. Shame on the voters!

  9. gee. the people responsible for the dysfunction took a beating ???

    wonders never cease

  10. Thanks Debbie for all you have given to the people of Salisbury. Now let the dumd asses get the screwing they voted for.

  11. That's the thanks Debbie gets for saving the taxpayers 100's of thousands of dollars this year alone? Well people here deserve a double digit tax hike and their water/sewer bills double for not getting off their butts and voting. I may as well move to Delaware, rent out my house and let someone else pay off my mortgage, then sell. It works well for the slumlords, when in Rome.

  12. 9% of voters went to the polls, might as well just have dictators, then nobody would be bothered with having to vote anymore. I still don't hear no fat lady singing.

  13. 8:48

    That's the understatement of the day. She might not stand a chance in the general elections!!!

  14. Dang. Mr. Day crushed it, getting 63.2% of the vote. Here's some thoughts on round two.

    In the 2009 city elections, there were 2,647 votes cast. Let's say there are 2,800 for this year's general election. 80% of them (i.e. 2,240 votes) will be in District 2. Thus 1,121 votes would be needed to win the seat.

    Let's say Mr. Day and Ms. Campbell each keep all of their voters from round 1. That leaves Mr. Heath's 197 voters plus 969 new voters who didn't take part in round 1 (there were 1,271 votes in round 1 and we're hypothesizing 2,240 for round 2, so 969 more); that's a total of 1,166 votes that are probably up for grabs.

    To get to 1,121, Ms. Campbell needs to pick up 850 votes--which is 72.9% of the votes that look like they'll be up for grabs. Mr. Day only needs to gain 318 votes to get to 1,121--just 27.3% of the up for grabs block.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that Heath's 197 voters are more likely to break for Day than Campbell and I don't know that the April 2nd electorate is going to look that much different from today's. Ms. Campbell had a tough path to re-election, but there's another debate and lots of campaigning left.

  15. Guys this is only the primary. This proves if you want change you need to go out and help the people you want elected get their message out there, unless you want more of the same.

  16. Well have to make sure Cynthia gets more help and take care of Shanie.

  17. I am very confused, by the total lack of media coverage. A few people, like me, only knew about it because of this blog. No one knocked on my door. I got one flyer from Day. I have no idea who these people are or what they stand for. But I am expected to decide who is best ... based on what? I would rather have a council of no, than a rubber stamping butt kissing special interest council and voted for Campbell based on her performance. but the lack luster turn out is a mirror image of the candidates lack luster campaigning, and the media's lack of involvement in the community. Looks like WBOC is simply priming themselves for relocating to Delaware and has basically pulled out of the Smallsbury community. At this point the primary was just a popularity contest.

  18. so debbie campbell is done right? thats a shame.She's done so much for salisbury. That's what you get for doing a good job. Salisbury doesn't want to get better. we must be happy with low income housing and no employment.

  19. Folks, the majority of the eligible voters are renters. It matters not to most renters who wins the election. Renters do not pay property taxes. The property owner pays the taxes that pays the bills for Salisbury.

    If a property owner/landlord does not live in the city limits, the property owner/landlord cannot vote in the city election, nor have input in the city regulations.

    That leaves the homeowner, who actually lives in their house on property they own) to have an interest in city elections but from the low numbers who voted, they do not care either who is elected.

  20. Wow glad i dont live in salisbury id be disgusted...another rubber stamp boondoggle waste i'm done with u all i thought you all screwed up with barrie and that crook dunn your another slum town now

  21. Anonymous said...
    Well have to make sure Cynthia gets more help and take care of Shanie.

    February 26, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    No, forget Cynthia. She can do it on her own to acquire the votes that Jackson got. That would be the work that Cynthia needs to do to win and she can do it on her own and with a little help.

    We need to focus our attention on getting Debbie and Joe elected in the general. I have posted numerous comments begging Joe to quit posting the national, state and Delaware news and focus on Salisbury and Debbie only. My request went ignored and look what happed. Debbie came close to losing this Primary. This is the only news source that is going to post the truth and if it is lost in boring national news then we all lose. This is a Salisbury blog and it needs to be Salisbury issues only. Debbie took a spanking and Jerk Day cleaned house. This was because Jim Ireton worked hard for Jake Day on his site, FB and the Joe Albero Attack Blog. I have begged and pleaded with Joe to post Salisbury news only and still ignored. Unless things change on this blog it will be a waste of my time to work for the two campaigns and I am seriously not voting in the primary. If Jake Day truly spanked Debbie Campbell the primary there is a very good possibility he will spank her in the general election. As mention on this blog numerous times Jake Day is joined at the hip with Jim Ireton so that means Jim Ireton will spank Joe Albero in the General Election. No need to vote then.

  22. Anonymous said...
    so debbie campbell is done right? thats a shame.She's done so much for salisbury. That's what you get for doing a good job. Salisbury doesn't want to get better. we must be happy with low income housing and no employment.

    February 26, 2013 at 9:46 PM

    No she is not done. If you think so much of her then call her and work for her campaign. Her number is 410.860.0893 so please call her and recruit more volunteers. If Bubba can make a comeback we can salvage this campaign.

  23. General election day prediction: Day doubles his #'s. Any takers? I way under-estimated him in this round. He has big things ahead of him.

  24. we need to do a sign-wave for Debbie and Joe!

  25. This Jake Day fella trying to pull votes. Where is he experienced? He's so green to this, he shoulda stuck with his old job. Yep Salisbury is headed down the shitter. Joe, I hope you get in as mayor and turn this town around. I've lived around Salisbury all my life, and I am very disappointed. Salisbury needs a huge turnaround and soon. I see wasteful spending, and nothing getting accomplished. City Streets in disrepair, sidewalks falling apart, city roads crews no where to be seen or found, the park looks trashed. Downtown is in shambles. Public works not keeping up with the landscaping at various locations. Salisbury needs a huge change and soon. A huge cleanup and restoration is long overdue.

  26. Starting tomorrow Debbie needs to work hard on her campaign and she needs to recruit volunteers and donations. She can't do it alone and she knows it. We need her so we need to call her and volunteer otherwise this city is doomed. I still can't believe Jake Day got more votes than anyone city wide. Debbie did that in 2009 for the General Election and we need her to do that again. We need door knockers, signs, sign waving and donations to by new signs, ads and commercials.

  27. Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook are partying with Jerk Day at Specific Gravity. I still can not believe Jerk Day got that many votes. That makes me believe Jim Ireton will get re-elected. We are all toast.

  28. I still have hope that Debbie and Joe can win this election, but they can't do it alone. Volunteer, Volunteer and Volunteer. Debbie Campbell needs to hit the streets way before the night before the election. Those 803 people that voted for Jake Day had already made up their minds because Debbie wasn't around until last night and then it was to late. Debbie and Joe need to get out tomorrow and know on more doors. Who cares if there is a Jake Day or Jim Ireton sign in the yard. It is your duty to knock on their door and convince them YOU are the best person for the job. As a matter of fact they are the yards you need to go up to as well.

    Oh by the way Tom Stevenson is a new friend of Jake Day.

  29. Just shows honesty, ethics and standing up to special interest groups are not what Salisbury voters respect. Rich landlords plus those with their hands out for freebies are a deadly combination against the middle class.

  30. I'm actually one of the 271 who did vote today for Debbie. It's pathetic to me how uninformed the public is with regards to what is going on in this city. Joe, I think it's noble and great that you are going to attempt to lead this city in a positive direction. I only fear that this may be a foreshadowing of the upcoming election. I feel that I represent a good number of other potential voters. As a home owner, city resident, and voter I struggle with any enthusiasm to get behind a choice. Don't get me wrong Joe, I will vote for you on election day. You are my only alternative to a provin horrible mayor. My issue is this. I have spoken with many neighbors and friends who live and are voters in Salisbury. We don't live "downtown" and could care less is it remains a ghetto. What will change in my life and my neighborhood if you are elected? Our taxes are astronomical for the priveledge of living in town. There is no service the county couldn't provide that the city does.(And we're paying county taxes already too.) I just fear that being the alternative cadidate may not be enough for you on election day. Give them a reason to get off the couch Joe, downtown just ain't going to cut it.

  31. This Primary is a microcosm of our country at large. Not only do we have a low information electorate, but also a no-information electorate. Elections based upon popularity and not fiscal responsibility will result in what we have right now in our
    federal Executive Branch.
    Debbie, thank you for your tireless efforts in trying to save us, the taxpayer unnecessary and wasteful spending. And Joe, I agree, this is Salisbury's election to lose.


  32. "That leaves the homeowner, who actually lives in their house on property they own) to have an interest in city elections but from the low numbers who voted, they do not care either who is elected."

    There just aren't that many of us. Probably 15 % of city residents are live in homeowners.

  33. Since most voters are renters and college kids, you can't expect any better.

  34. Look, this is the primary and I am sure that Debbie will campaign much more in the general election. We totally forgot about the election and didn't vote yesterday. That is 3 voters in my house who would have voted for Debbie. Anyway, why should Debbie waste time and money in the primary? She will be fine come general election time.

  35. This means the remainder of good guys on the council will be replaced in 2 years. The city is doomed.

  36. February 27, 2013 at 3:32 AM

    Unfortunately, I agree with you. If people didn't get off their butts for Debbie, they won't for Joe.
    This is going the way of the last presidential election and, once again, the taxpayers will be on the short end.

  37. I disagree 6:39, this town is well known for its apathy especially during primaries but in general elections, more people do show up. I think the race between Day and Campbell will be a toss up but I also think Albero has a real chance of winning. The reason I say this is because I have been hearing LIBERALS saying lately that they are tired of tax increases and Ireton wants to raise them big time. It not that they love Joe, they are hurting for money also and Ireton is not going to help.

  38. voting is a right and priveledge

    February 26, 2013 at 8:41 PM

    It can't be both.

    I think it was once described as a civic duty.

    But we all know what happened to civic pride.

  39. Eugene Shields has come a long way.


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