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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Department of Homeland Security Targets Gun Collector

KRQE in Albuquerque, New Mexico, reports that the Department of Homeland Security – the federal agency initially established to protect the United States from terrorists and respond to natural disasters – has used its ICE division to bust a gun collector.

Federal Homeland Security Investigation agents raided the home of Robert Adams on Thursday and seized 548 handguns and 317 rifles from the collector. They also raided his business and took an additional 599 handguns.

KRQE reports that Adams did not violate any laws and was not charged with any crimes. It said the DHS, however, is not finished with Adams and he may be charged with gun smuggling, tax evasion and violating importation laws.

The government spent yeas surveilling the gun collector and argues that his weapons are “not properly marked possibly to make the guns more valuable and to avoid paying high import taxes.”



  1. I guess "Fast & Furious" was perfectly legal. It didn't even get 2 days worth of "surveillance", but it DID get a Federal agent KILLED. Maybe, just maybe, they are looking at the wrong people....

  2. I mentioned this to a couple of people and they were like, 'he HAD to have done something'.

    They just don't get it.


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