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Saturday, February 02, 2013

Department Of Homeland Security Targets Gun Collector

KRQE in Albuquerque, New Mexico, reports that the Department of Homeland Security – the federal agency initially established to protect the United States from terrorists and respond to natural disasters – has used its ICE division to bust a gun collector.
Federal Homeland Security Investigation agents raided the home of Robert Adams on Thursday and seized 548 handguns and 317 rifles from the collector. They also raided his business and took an additional 599 handguns.

KRQE reports that Adams did not violate any laws and was not charged with any crimes. It said the DHS, however, is not finished with Adams and he may be charged with gun smuggling, tax evasion and violating importation laws.

The government spent yeas surveilling the gun collector and argues that his weapons are “not properly marked possibly to make the guns more valuable and to avoid paying high import taxes.”



  1. Food for thought:

    Having served in an infantry unit reconn , my favorite wepon was was the 30/06 rifle. It was the first sniper rifle that made a difference. While the m-14 , -m15 , m16s were expending many rounds
    the sniper would make a kill on 99% of his shots(one bullet).
    While soldiers shot 100 rounds and made zero kills because failure to aim.
    The simple bolt action is my favorite weapon. I could hit my target at 500 yards with ease. That's in excess of a 1/4 mile.
    Gun control people are messing with a boiling pot , leave it alone.

  2. Obviously Obama's confiscation program has begun. This is how they will proceed. They will kick in your door at 4 in the morning and 30 mercenaries with REAL assault weapons will overwhelm you, criminalize you for nothing, intimidate you, prosecute you on sycophant charges or just hold you in a fema camp indefinitely. That is if you survive the assault.
    This is Obama's Amerfrika.

  3. This is scary. Wake up Sheep!

  4. When a sniper shoots , it is better to wound this enemy. That will take up two more of his friends to evacuate him.
    So , having said that , 3 people have been taken out of commission.
    When they try to break my door down a 4 in the morning or any other time , surprise! Claymores are so easy to manufacture , c-4 is so easy to obtain , bad boys , watcha gonna do.

  5. To 06:21
    I agree totally, long range shooters will be the only necessary component to remove the threat.

  6. ginn said...
    To 06:21
    I agree totally, long range shooters will be the only necessary component to remove the threat.

    February 2, 2013 at 2:26 PM

    Not if they are coming at you in numbers. A single shot bolt action weapon would be a waste of time.

  7. Oswald had help. Even Kennedy's FAMILY says that. And so did the Secret Service. People who don't know the truth hide behind catchphrases like "tin-foil hat" and "paranoid conspiracy". They THINK it sounds really cool and offers them some kind of intellectual superiority. It actually just labels them as people who apparently can't read (or comprehend) OFFICIAL documents and material in open source orgins FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT! And documented information from sources like those lying bastards at The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS News, and publications from the CIA and the FBI. So, instead of impressing anyone with your intellectual preeminence, you, instead, reveal your lack of command of FACTS and information. Or your disregard and ignorance of them. Or your absolute surrender to authority since it seems to be much easier to live with your head up your ace than to live with the truth...

  8. There are people in the know that are absolutely convinced he had help and the go ahead was given by someone in the government.


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