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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Daily Times Uses Completely False Title To Sell Papers

Now I could see if they said, Salisbury could lose its airport TOWER, but instead they left out the word TOWER on purpose.

The truth of the matter is, the Tower has only been in place for the past 15 years. If the Feds don't get it together, Salisbury Airport will still remain open and operational, it will simply lose the staff in the Tower. The Airport will not shut down and flights will still continue to come and go.

So the next time your out and about thinking of buying a paper, buy the National Enquirer instead. You'll actually get more truth. 


  1. you are correct. sensationalism and wild conjecture. Totally irresponsible

  2. Will the TSA agents be laid off as well? Let's hope so! Wow, just think; The planes can take off as soon as everybody is on board, and nobody there to feel you up before you go! Fantastic!

  3. Printed copy of daily times "Salisbury Airport Could Close" . Online, "Salisbury could lose airport tower"

    As usual, they don't know whats going on.

  4. What Salisbury COULD lose is not news anyway. Salisbury could lose anything. Salisbury WILL lose is newsworthy. The DT can't predict the future so why report what could happen? How about this, Salisbury COULD get hit with a meteor. That would sell papers but be misleading just like could lose airport.

  5. How they liking that competition now Joe?

  6. Let the Mayor get on the LAST flight out of SALISBURY.......ByEEEEEEEEEE

  7. I just love the way the MSM reports the sequestration cuts.

    I thought the Stimulus funding was suppose to help avert such cataclysmic events.

    The truth of the matter is that the Stimulus has FAILED. Now that Obama's grand plan has now backfired - he seeks to invoke a lie. I say let the cuts begin - it is long overdue.

  8. The Daily Times covers an increase in rates of the bridge/tunnel, 100 miles away in Virginia, yet not a word on the local tax increases here.

    The paper may as well just kept Bassett, the news is as slanted as it ever was.

  9. Scare tactics people just like fast Freddy and the school board....

    Scumbags say unless we raise taxes you will lose x....

    Scumbag obam

  10. Just goes to show how unreliable for truthful, accurately reported news the Daily Times really is.
    Everyday they prove it more and more.

  11. should be named the Progressive Times, the Pravda Post, the Socialist Times, the Liberal Rag or the Twisted Truth Times.

    Can you think of more names that would be more appropriate for our current Daily Times Flyer? Don't get nasty but be creative. let's have fun with this...

  12. The Daily Disinformation

  13. The DTs is a FN Joke.

  14. I don't understand what you people are missing.

    All you need to know is: "Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland said Congress must stop the cuts with a “balanced approach” to deficit reduction that includes tax reforms and “strategic cuts” to mandatory spending."


    "Republican lawmakers have opposed President Obama’s proposal to close tax loopholes in combination with targeted spending cuts to avoid the across-the-board spending cuts."

    So those bad, bad Republicans are just standing in the way, making everyone miserable while Barack Obama, blessed be his name, is trying to reach across the aisle to save us all from these spending cuts which will end life on this Earth as we know it!

    Please excuse me now while I vomit all over The Daily Manifesto.

  15. I just started a NEW file. Every time there is a verifiable misquote, or a spelling, grammar or syntax error,I just put it in the file.

  16. I cannot understand Mikulski doublespeak, and Ben Cardin is just always just plain against the voter's wishes, (along with Babs) and neither one cares! I am appalled as to why they are still in office.
    Both need to be rap__.

  17. If the Fed were to cut the funding to Gannett (Daily Times) that allows them to print such propaganda, they would probably have to close down long before the airport.


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