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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Court Rules School Bus Driver Who Failed Drug Test Should Get Job Back

The driver on the bus goes puff, puff, puff…

How comfortable are you with a marijuana smoking bus driver bringing your kids to school? Students at a school in upstate New York are being forced to deal with it.

Cynthia DiDomenicantonio, a bus driver for the Shenendehowa School District in Clifton Park, was fired from her job for failing a drug test.

An Appeals Court however, decided the firing was “too severe a punishment”, and have ordered the school to reinstate DiDomenicantonio.



  1. I have driven a school bus for 14 years. I will only say this once. SHE SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE EVER AGAIN!!!!

  2. This is a sign of things to come with allowing pot. The government wants to get in an uproar over gun control, where are they when a school bus driver does drugs??? where are they???? they let the druggie go free....and the children are the pawns.

  3. If you fail a drug test as a truck driver, you'll be looking for a new line of work. Why should we expect less with such precious cargo?

  4. I am x union man and some people should never be given a second chance .

  5. If she did it on her on time and not working there should not be problem it's no diff. than getting off work and having a beer except its safer than beer.

  6. Meanwhile, my child cannot take an aspirin with him to school in case his headache lasts more than 4 hours without being suspended on drug charges...

  7. 6:43 wake up and get real. THC can show up in a drug test for 30 days. She should not have a job driving children or any commercial vehicle.


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