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Friday, February 15, 2013

Council Woman Debbie Campbell Launches Campaign Website

Debbie Campbell, who is seeking another term on the Salisbury City Council, is pleased to announce the re-launch of her campaign website, www.Campbell4Salisbury.com. Constituents, including those with visual impairments requiring the use of screen readers, will be able to access Campbell’s message of innovation, vision and fiscal responsibility.

Featured on the site is one of Campbell’s recent accomplishments, crafting a solution that will result in the tear down and redevelopment of the failed condo building on Fitzwater St., known as River’s Edge, to transform the property into a campus of three buildings designed as Artisans’ housing. The concept lends itself to serving as a new gateway to Salisbury’s Arts & Entertainment District.

“River’s Edge illustrates the exciting things that can happen in Salisbury when we strive for better solutions instead of just settling,” Campbell says. The developer’s original proposal for ordinary affordable housing was turned down by the council. Members cited, among their reasons, that a traditional development could be located anywhere in the city and that the riverfront site and downtown proximity should be used to leverage additional opportunities for downtown and deliver a higher economic return for the city.

Campbell worked with the developer, applying her knowledge of what’s working well in communities around the nation, and suggested artisans’ housing. She pointed out that it could not only create a gateway to Downtown’s Arts and Entertainment District, but could also become a unique destination that would attract summer beach travelers a block off the highway to enjoy the gallery and boost our local economy.

“The new development will attract artisans who will appreciate the work of the neighboring shipyard and other nearby businesses like Chesapeake East. The apartments will be priced to be affordable and will also drive economic change, so everyone wins. Another plus is that a percentage of the River’s Edge apartments are set aside for people with disabilities – a very specific need identified for our community.” Campbell adds.

Campbell’s website also features links to interesting articles and videos about innovation, in addition to information about Campbell’s service to the public. Among her notable achievements on behalf of the people she serves are stopping several proposed tax increases and saving city taxpayers nearly $1,000,000 million in recent months. Her careful review of grant agreements and her push for the application of sound business practices, such as bidding the city’s insurance for a $90,000 savings and refinancing the city’s debt while rates are at an all time low, combined to achieve the substantial sum in savings.

For more on Campbell’s latest campaign to continue standing up for Salisbury, please visit www.Campbell4Salisbury.com
Authority: Shawn Thomas, Treasurer
Rivers Edge once completed.


  1. Actually, River's Edge will look lots different (and better) than the illustrations.

  2. Oh my. What a great site. That's were Joe must have gotten the downtown video that is the top post. I especially liked the link to the presentation by Daniel Epstein. The information on Debbie's site clearly shows that she has a national and international perspective and brings great value when she serves as our council member. Thank you, Debbie. There are also some great articles in the resources section. I think that many substantially unervalue what Debbie brings to Salsibury. Let's get her reelected. I will be contacting her for a sign and to volunteer.

  3. Salisbury needs Debbie Campbell now more than ever.

  4. You have my vote Debbie, thanks for standing up to Ireton.

  5. Well I am going to vote for Debbie Campbell and I am supporting her campaign, but I am totally against her concept with the River's Edge property. I have a strong feeling this will again turn into low income housing and rental property.

  6. We need Debbie Campbell and she needs us. If you are willing to volunteer for her campaign please go to her website and contact her. You don't even have to be a city resident to assist her. Most of Jim Ireton's and Jake Day's support is coming from no residents.

  7. As long as there is a idiot of a Mayor looking to put up Low income housing in the downtown area will NEVER flourish lets be honest that type of element attracts certain groups.

  8. Campbell really made lemonade out of a lemon with that River project. If it doesn't turn out well, that's on the developer, not her or the government. They've got their chance. It's not like the government owns that property or anything.

    A bit off topic, but gee, she is a beautiful woman. Very smart and beautiful. Her husband is a lucky man.


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