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Friday, February 15, 2013

Council Tables Elected Officials’ Travel Policy Changes

A discussion over elected officials’ travel expenses hit a nerve this week as a few changes were sent back for further discussion.

On Monday evening, a resolution came before the Salisbury City Council amending the Council Regulations and Rules of Order with travel policy. The issue was discussed at work sessions on Jan. 7 and Feb. 4, 2013.

According to the resolution, the Charter of the City of Salisbury provides that the City Council shall determine its own rules and order of business, and the council have amended those rules and regulations on many occasions in the past.



  1. When's our next shot at Laura again?

  2. Laura is spending excessive amounts of the council travel budget.

  3. The article says they have discussed this more than once. Sounds like someone (let me guess, Laura Mitchell?) is overspending and the council president was trying to be gracious about how to resolve the matter.

    Mitchell's whining and yelling performance at the last council meeting was over the top.


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