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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Coroner Concludes Woman’s 2 Gallon A Day Coca-Cola Habit “A Substantial Factor” In Her Death

When a New Zealand woman died in February 2010, her family swiftly pointed fingers at her 2.2 gallon a day Coke habit. Not the white powdery stuff, the drinkable, cola-y stuff. And although it’s taken three years, a coroner has found that the beverage was a major factor in her death. Coca-Cola had pointed out last year that too much water is bad for you as well, so it’s not surprising that the company disagrees with the ruling.

The 30-year-old mother of eight guzzled a whole lot of Coke for years before her death, and the coroner said a bunch of her health problems could be connected to the “extreme” amounts she ingested daily. He said that consumption likely played a role in the cardiac arrhythmia that killed her, reports the AFP.

“I find that when all the available evidence is considered, were it not for the consumption of very large quantities of Coke by [the woman], it is unlikely that she would have died when she died and how she died,” he found. He added that her Coke habit ”was a substantial factor that contributed to the development of the metabolic imbalances which gave rise to the arrhythmia.”


  1. well ya think it might had a bit to do with having 8 kids by the age of 30?

  2. Another article stated that she also smoked 30 cigarettes a day. She definitely made some questionable lifestyle choices but Coke should not be directly blamed. Personal choices=personal responsibility.


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