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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: US Postal Service To End Saturday Mail Delivery

Financially hemorrhaging US Postal Service announces it will end Saturday mail delivery beginning in August. 

From Fox News


  1. I won't bother me I that I get are bills and junk mail

  2. Should have done it long ago. Nothing in the Sat mail that doesn't wait 'tll Mon. anyway. Even mailing SS checks will soon be a thing of the past.

  3. They should cut it down to 2-3 times a week.

  4. There's not many times I agree with Alex , but this is one time I do.They should let the mail delivery go to a year , bid on , contract . If you have unlimited funds that keep bailing you out - ie: us the taxpayers you have no reason to fix the problem , but if a company is under a contract , they will be effeciant and make a profit, this adding TO the tax base instead of taking from it .

  5. Monday, Wednesday, Friday would be a great idea.

  6. Goes along with the price increases. They're in the situation they've created because they insist on raising prices and cutting service to the point where entrepreneurs can jump in offering more for less money and succeed.

  7. This is preposterous! My coupons may not arrive on time now for the start of the weekly bargains. People may not be able to afford to eat. I don't understand why USPS cuts back on the lowest paid paid employees hours. At least I'll still be able to go to the Post Office on Saturday and purchase Michael Jackson commemorative Gift Cards.

  8. Hey Alex, you've been coming up with some ingenious ideas lately. As far as your latest brainchild, how do you suggest the USPS handle all of the incoming & outgoing mail? Force employees to work 2-3 times faster?

  9. This is a perfect example of how a "business" with a government monopoly works. When it loses money, it cuts service. When a private business is losing money, they try to innovate and offer better service in order to attract more customers. But not USPS. They have no competition and thus no need to innovate and serve people better. We're stuck with this cruddy service thanks to the government.

  10. Thanks to the USPS arrangement with UPS, my parcels now arrive an additional day later. With this new business however, there's not enough physical space in the little white vehicles to hold both the junk mail and parcels. Saturday will be parcels only it seems with the coupons having to wait until Monday.

  11. MON.....WED.........FRI.

  12. 10:57 ever heard of Internet and E-mail, E-readers, or electronic bill payment options? Those things are pretty cool and convenited, and with inventions of such mail volume dropped significantly. That is a part of the reason why post office is broke.
    So not really an 'ingenious idea' just application of facts.

  13. Here is an idea, since the government is on a roll with banning guns, how about junk mail instead. It would eliminate 1/2 to 3/4 of the mail volume and allow for a reduction in the postal work force to a lean mean efficient mail delivering machine, and more space in the little white vehicles for the parcels. If we put it to a national referendum for the people's vote I think it would pass.

  14. Good, I hate the mail. I even hate the sound the muffler on the little white truck makes when going by because I know it brings bad news in the form of bills and junk mail.

    I could be in a therapists support group for people with mail issues. With years of intense therapy and psych meds maybe I will be able to deal with "mail trauma".

    Now Saturday can be a happy, mail free day. I feel better already.

  15. The post office should be closed and as in the old days you go to your local store and get your mail delivered by Horse Back; since Obama GAS is SOOOOOOOOOO HIGH

  16. Most Americans pay by internet and most news is by internet. What did you think would happen to the Post Office , wake up people we don't need them anymore.
    It's called on-line paying of bills etc..
    These people at the Post Office surely saw this comming , if not , then they should suffer.

  17. You know what the best way to capture someone's attention people? Send them something in the mail!

  18. Marketing weighing in, sorry but I think junk mail is going the way of tele-marketing........


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