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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bob Woodward Says He Was Threatened By White House

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward said Wednesday he was threatened by a senior Obama administration official following his reporting on the White House's handling of the forced federal spending cuts set to take effect on Friday.

"They're not happy at all," he said on CNN's "The Situation Room," adding that an e-mail from a senior administration official - who he would not name - communicated a message which caused him great concern.

"It was said very clearly, you will regret doing this," he said. 



  1. Just as Bret Breitbart! Oh wait, you can’t! This administration is criminal!

  2. Well he isn't kissing the glorious dictator's butt with the rest of the MSM. He will have to pay! With communists in power you always have to pay a price when you don't comply with the party line.

  3. It's called "Chicago Politics." I'll bet this fellow is in for a rough ride with the IRS.

  4. I hope Woodward does not end up in a trash dumpster Chicago Style

  5. Where is all the 'transparency' this great one was talking about??

  6. Wake up man,where have you been?This is business as usual with this administration.

  7. In most other countries he would have been shot.Netanyahu would have had him tarred and feathered,and then shot.

  8. Woodward at least has BALZ.

  9. Bob-

    Don't accept that forthcoming invitation to do golf with Obammy.

    He will us a rifle at the 9th tee, where there is a bunker being built just for you!

  10. 10:54 I think you got your area in the world correct but the wrong country, try Iran, Syria, Egypt basically any Moslem country. It is still our 1rst amendment right to disagree with the president, I'm sure you think being shot would be more preferable.

  11. Sharia on its way to America.

  12. C'mon guys, he's had a rough 4yrs. How dare Woodward question anything the Boy-Wonder says.

  13. Remember it was Woodward who exposed Watergate. Maybe the threat will push him to expose many truths about Obama's fraudulent administration.

  14. Israel's recent actions should not be defended.For reasons unknown to me,atrocities committed there have been blocked from our media.


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