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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bills Seek To Slow The Revolving Door Of Public Officials Into Lobbying

In hopes of slowing the political revolving door out of government to influence government as a lobbyist, House Minority Leader O’Donnell testified Tuesday for package of four ethics measures he’s introduced.

The package seeks to renew and in some cases tighten up the ethics code, particularly as it relates to former government officials becoming lobbyists to advocate for issues they worked on and where their influence remains.

“The reason I put these bills in is because they address potential problems,” said O’Donnell. He supports “anything we can do to raise the perception [of political integrity] in the public’s eye.”



  1. Raise the "perception" of integrity, huh? Smoke and mirrors aren't doing the job anymore, I guess. And calling BRIBES "campaign contributions" is even beginning to sound sleazy to THEM, too. They don't really want to have any integrity. They just want to be "perceived" as having some. Does the phrase "lost cause" mean anything to him?

  2. This raises a BS ALERT!Will never happen.

  3. The democrats would much rather slit their own throats than ever vote against anything that would be detrimental to their 'bosses' in big business.
    Take this septic bill for example. It's not at all about the environment. It's about a handful of large companies that want the smaller companies so regulated that they will cease to exist and these companies can have the monopoly on septic installation.
    It's just amazing the way the democrat voters can not see the forest through the trees and how easily they are fooled by such things as this septic bill.


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