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Monday, February 04, 2013

Beaver Run Elementary Evacuated

Beaver Run Elementary was evacuated due to a false alarm fire. The children have been brought back into the school after the Fire Department found no sign of fire or danger. 


  1. They were all brought back into the cafeteria. several classrooms are too
    smoke filled or full of smoke odor the children cannot go back, except to retrieve coats and personal belongings.
    there was some sort of fire.

  2. I just came by there and there's still 2 fire trucks and 3 ambulances on scene.

  3. Yes I saw one of the many Salisbury Chiefs cars at Beaver Run. I thought that was Parsonsburgs first due?

  4. There was a small fire in a heating unit in one of the buildings. No smoky classrooms. After all danger had passed, the firefighters tested the air. It was clean. The children had been moved from the outside to the gym. Everyone returned to their classrooms, and WE finished the day. Jeez, people, get it right.

  5. To respond to:
    Anonymous said...
    They were all brought back into the cafeteria. several classrooms are too smoke filled or full of smoke odor the children cannot go back, except to retrieve coats and personal belongings. there was some sort of fire.

    My comments: Why would you post such false statements on a public blog? Cafeteria? Smoke filled classrooms? And to say people were allowed back in to get coats?? Please get your facts straight before putting them on any blog. If you didn't know the truth, you should not have spent the time typing anything at all. It is very dangerous to spread such false information.

    And Joe, why would you say it was a false alarm? It was a very real emergency. You are usually WAY better with facts.

  6. Anon 2:33 ...... what a story! Not even close to reality!!!


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