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Monday, February 04, 2013

Al Gore: US Democracy Has Been Hacked

US democracy has been "hacked" by big business and needs to be reclaimed using the power of the internet to hold politicians to account, according to former US vice-president Al Gore.
Offering a blunt assessment of the extent to which private companies influence decision-making in the US, he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show: "American politics has fallen into a state of disrepair," in an interview to mark the publication of his new book, The Future.

Gore added: "It can be fixed, but we need to recognise that our democracy has been hacked … It has been taken over … and is being operated for purposes other than those for which it was intended."

In the interview, Gore alluded to a 2010 US supreme court decision that banned restrictions on political donations by corporations in the name of free speech.


  1. He is the BIGGEST hypocrite out there tells people do the right thing for the environment while he goes and sells out to terrorist oil company's Fn dirt bag.

  2. Democracy has been hacked by tree hugging liberal pot smoking homo loving idiots!

  3. Does anyone really care what this pompous greedy lying hypocrite thinks? Guess what Al, there are more polar bears now than 40 years ago. Al Gore-zeera who just sold out to Saudi oil shieks by selling his lame TV station to Al jazeera--a reputable new organisation according to Gore. Al Gore is a disgraceful man bear pig.

  4. Al shouldn't talk with his mouth full. The ink is still wet on the $ 29 million bribe check he just cashed.

  5. He invented that too!! It boggles the mind the crap that comes out of a libtards mouth

  6. Said the man that made a $100 million windfall selling a failing cable channel with close to 0 viewers to an Arab government that sponsors terrorists. The only way that amount makes sense is if it's a political payoff. Too funny.

  7. This goof thinks that EXPOSING crooked politicians and corporate pirates and their political cronies will "fix" our republic?? Do you realize how mnay HUNDREDS if not thousands of web sites and journalists do this every day? In EVEY possible venue, from the Internet to major print publications to national news programs. How is it working so far, huh???? Look at the Wall Street thieves and their Senate henchman. They OPENLY steal and manipulate and hold the door for each other as they play musical chairs with CEO's, Treasury positions, and Federal Reserve Board memberships, and high ranking government appointments that ONLY benefit themselves and each other. They don't care what you or I think or say anymore. They KNOW we are powerless to affect them anymore. Gore is a buffoon for even SUGGESTING such a thing.

  8. Can you imagine what state the U.S. would be in if he defeated Bush in 2000?
    He does have a point though. JP Morgan had less control of our government than the current corporations.

  9. He thinks we're all stupid out here but then thats how elitists think.

  10. He thinks we're all stupid out here February 4, 2013 at 10:22 PM

    Aren't we?

  11. At least 47% of us are stupid.

  12. Stand back... Mr Gore has a way to fix it...For 3 payments of $99.99! Asshat

  13. Al sold his soul for a lot of cash I guess I cant blame him after all he is a Scumbag Politician.


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