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Sunday, February 17, 2013

After Obamacare Health Exchange Deadline Passes, 26 States Opt In With Feds

Twenty-six states have chosen to let the federal government run the online insurance markets required next year by President Obama’s health care law instead of taking on the job themselves or partnering with the feds.

The Department of Health and Human Services had encouraged states to run their own markets, or “exchanges,” that help the uninsured find coverage, but only 17 states and the District of Columbia took on the task and seven states decided to split the duty with the Obama administration, according to a breakdown by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

States that wanted to run a partnership exchange with the federal government had to let HHS know by late Friday, concluding months deliberation in each of the 50 states. 



  1. These states are saying OK federal government you do it take care of me. They gave all the states the right to run it their way and these guys pass. Way to stand up for states rights.

  2. The blind leading the blind.
    Good luck in your venture. Gawd!

  3. It may be better stated that 26 states are keenly aware that they are not trained in the art of being insurance brokers, and are better equipped in fighting for the repeal of this draconian law than supporting it.

  4. I agree 6:20, this idiotic federal government take over of the health care system had nothing to do with the states. The states have the right to fight against it not support it.

  5. Obamacare will collape on itself as more states and the federal goverment realize that yes, 6:20 they are not in any position to become insurance brokers. Utopian ideas never work until all other problems are corrected-main one in this case being lack of funds and funding to begin implimentation.


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