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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 2-27-13

Hi Joe,
Do you subscribe to spot crime? Up until about 2 weeks ago the crime calls in the area of 2 miles from my house I would get a report of crimes in a 2 mile radius of my home. They are listed alphabetically. I would receive these at least 4 times a week and there were not enough letters in the alphabet to cover the number of calls. In the past week or so the number has dropped to fewer than 10 calls. They must be cooking the numbers.


  1. Calls for service have risen steadily every year since 2009.

  2. Factoid: did you know that Debbie Campbell brought Spot Crime mapping access to Salusbury through her work on the Crime Task Force? True!

  3. But Jim Ireton and now Jerk Day will take credit for that.

  4. Did you know that offensive blogger Jonathan Taylor sabotaged the website of the Crime Task Force? True!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Did you know that offensive blogger Jonathan Taylor sabotaged the website of the Crime Task Force? True!

    February 27, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    How did he do that. He attacked a good friend of mine the other day as well. My friend is an honorable person and didn't deserve to be attacked like that.

  6. The heck he did'nt deserve to be attacked.Get your facts straight.


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