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Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Doubly Trying Tax Season for Same-Sex Couples

FOR Colette Hayward and Margaret Selby, the problem is this: Maryland recognizes their 2009 marriage, but the federal government does not.

The ramifications are maddeningly complex, no more so than when they deal with the Internal Revenue Service. Two years after taking legal action to assert their rights as a married couple, they are paying a price when they pay their taxes.

For Ms. Hayward, 47, a lawyer who owns two construction businesses, and Ms. Selby, 48, a Baltimore County police officer, a big issue involves insurance benefits they fought to achieve. They are paying taxes on those benefits, even though such benefits for spouses normally are not taxed.



  1. Great example of why the SCOTUS will find DOMA unconstitutional.

  2. Welcome to the rest of the word, you wanted it you got it.

  3. They chose their lifestyle, now live it, and shut up your whining.

  4. yawn. deaf ears ladies.

  5. WRONG!!! Live@let live. Hish!

  6. It is NOT choice. Why would Anyone put theselves on such A situaton. Get a life


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