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Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-21-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Business Leaves Salisbury":

I am a B2B salesman, when I go to my company meetings and here some of the success stories from other areas in Maryland I just shake my head and say WOW. Most of these stories are coming from areas the size of Salisbury or smaller but have alot of manufacturers, if you look at the industrial park off Nailer Mill RD you find empty buildings and service providing businesses such as The Roof Center, Cloverland Dairy, a couple of breead companies, where has the manufacturing gone and what has been done to keep what we have and invite more.


  1. It's a ghost town when you ride through the Industrial Park. Salisbury has done alot to scare out business.

    Democrats have really done quite the job in Maryland. Salisbury is not alone.

  2. Democrat rule destroys cities--just ask Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati,Miami, St.Louis,Philly--all have had Democrat rule for 20 to 50 years. Detroit is currently 14BILLION dollars in debt. Maryland on its way to becoming the California of the East Coast. A vote fo Ireton and Day is a vote for the Democrat policies of tax and spend and corrupt cronyism we see nationally.

  3. I have a business in the Industrial Park. Very difficult to work with the City of Salisbury.
    This has nothing to do with Democrats and everything to do with the elected officials.

  4. Actually, MD has been heavily reliant on the constant influx of tax dollars from the thousands of federal workers who commute into DC for basically guaranteed long term employment.

    If the nation's capital was located elsewhere, we'd be in dire straits indeed.

    We are essentially firmly planted on the nipple of the federal pork trough.

  5. ALL you have to do is drive up and down rt 13 and see all the for sale/lease signs everywhere, this mayor is a Joke and should be ashamed.

  6. Salisbury = welfare state.

  7. sorry Salisbury = welfare city.

  8. 9:02 it has everything to do with destructive Democrat ideology.

  9. Democrats pander to big business and their ideology (ultimate goal) which is to run all other businesses out so just a handful of big corps control everything from what we eat on down to everything we buy and what services we use.

  10. How many of the council and Mayors of Salisbury have been Republican in the last 25 years? 10% tops.

  11. This town better wake up if the mayor has his way with downtown Salisbury IE:500 welfare houses you better SELL....SELL....SELL...your property.

  12. Since I moved out of Wicomico County, I try not to even go to Salisbury. It is a shame I feel that way but the whole town has become a toilet. Every where you go you see either bums or thugs.

  13. The current mayor's focus seems to be on keeping people enslaved. He should be focusing on ways to get people out of poverty and having to rely on "affordable housing" which is a politically correct way of saying "the Projects."
    Dr Ben Carson is right. Stop all the politically correct nonsense and start telling it like it is!

  14. Every failing business has to have someone to blame.

  15. 500 units fully taxpayer subsidised --if each unit yields $500 profit thats 250,000.00 PER MONTH potentially for some lucky slumlords. Now do you get why SAPOA rules Salisbury????

  16. 11:56
    Business to Business

  17. B2B-business to business


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