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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

$30.00 / HOUR FOR A 40 HOUR WEEK - NO TAXES - $62,400. / YR


  1. As a taxpayer who sometimes wished I could ask for assistance I have to tell you the best thing you can do for most folks is give them a job.

    It elevates them to independence, raises their self esteem, teaches them responsibility, loyalty, and motivates them to achieve.

    THAT is what America is about.

    Safety nets? Sure, for a very few and that's all that society needs. Most folks are capable of earning their way.

  2. Having been on welfare as a child, I can tell you that it is about $168.... PER MONTH.

  3. 8:27, if you read that piece right, it was the total of all benefits, not just welfare.

  4. 8:27. Things have changed. Do you work?

  5. There have been times that I have seriously considered getting out of the rat race and allow the goverment to care for me. They will supply a phone (even a smart one, I have a dumb phone), food stamps, medical care, and I would not have to get up as early as I do every word day. Seems to work for many people.
    Then I remember, I was not raised to be an entitlement slave.
    I should be working for the betterment of MY family not everybody elses family!!!
    The Bible says you do not work, you do not eat! That is good enough for me. If the entitlement programs would cease, people would be finding jobs to feed themselves and their families. Rob someone, do not try it, guns speak louder when you cross that threshold.

  6. This is why many kids don't work in school. They plan to be making really good money on handouts forever so no jobs skills will be needed. Why work?

  7. As long as democrats are in power it will only get worse.

  8. Stupid Canadians are the worst abusers of this.

  9. I like to see how that's calculated.

    The food stamp maximum is $4896
    Let's value a public housing unit at $900/mo so that's $10,800. So we're up to about $16,000 per year. I'll grant you that that is sufficient in direct aid, perhaps generous. But the only way you can bump that up to $60,000 a year would be if you take all of the medicaid expenses and divide them by the number of households in public or subsidized housing. While that's dramatic, it hardly provides us with a working average. One person on dialysis has huge medical expenses which are not what we normally think of as the dream matter of welfare queens. - David Hearne

  10. No wonder aliens want to take over the world,or at least elevate our IQ.Humans are out of control worldwide with no end in sight.We definately need outside intervention.

  11. $25/hr. average pay for working people? LMAO...nowhere close to that around here...can't even get a raise anymore but sure can rely on that yearly pay cut!

    And the 47% live like kings!

  12. The 47% live like kings? What a foolish remark. Remember that that 47% figure Romney stupidly tossed out includes your grandmother. It includes the people who work for peanuts at gas stations and Walmart who still qualify for food stamps or who have to be on Medicaid or Medicare. You talk like a fool. - David Hearne


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