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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Sheriff's Deputies On Leave After Man with Down Syndrome Died In Custody

Three Frederick County Sheriff's Deputies are on administrative leave after a 26-year-old man with Down syndrome died while in their custody. The man was being escorted from a movie theater the three off-duty deputies who were working as security guards.

A lawyer for the family says the grieving family is looking for answers after the death was ruled a homicide.

Robert Ethan Saylor died January 12 after guards tried to remove him from a Maryland movie theater where he had finished watching a movie and was refusing to leave, according to the family's lawyer. The Sheriff's Office previously said Saylor cursed and resisted arrest and was handcuffed as he was led out. Before leaving the theater Saylor began having what the Sheriff's Office said was a medical emergency. Authorities say the handcuffs were taken off and Saylor was taken to a hospital, where he died.



  1. Paid vacation and eventual vindication for murder by an "internal investigation" committee.

  2. Like how long does it take the aid to run to the car and back?

  3. Cop haters are commenting.

  4. 1:51 darn right you fool!
    THEY are killing people! And you support cops murdering citizen's because of a movie ticket?

  5. 1:51 right! what if it was one of your loved ones?
    When will the citizens demand an independant civilian oversight board to review these types of incidents/crimes? Oh right the police will look into it and all will be as it should. No one is ever found to have done anthing wrong except for the dead person!
    total bs!

  6. 1:51 what would you say if the title was 3 gang members kill kid over movie ticket.

  7. Who was he with,who called the cops,why did they call the cops,how long did it take for the cops to arrive,what did his caretaker tell the cops when they arrived,etc.Most importantly,why is it procedure for the caretakers to threaten mentally disabled individuals with calling the cops if they misbehave.I see this everywhere and it should stop.

  8. 1:01, 1:10, 2:42, 2:53 and 4:12
    You guys/gals have your heads up your a**. You weren't there but will Monday morning quarterback. Probably the reason your lives are train wrecks

  9. I guess Frederick counties finest showed that troublemaker who's boss!


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