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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

$14M+ Md. Title One Funds May Be Slashed In Sequestration

Maryland educators are among those bracing for deep budget cuts if the government sequestration becomes a reality.

Maryland is going by the numbers they were given from the White House. More than $14 million could be slashed from the popular Title One Program, which pays for extra educational services for disadvantaged children across the state, especially in Baltimore City.

More than half of Baltimore City schools rely on Title One funds -- the largest federally funded education program in the nation. The money set aside for local school districts to target students in need of extra help in the classroom and that's why Maryland state school superintendent is so concerned about what's taking place on Capitol Hill.



  1. can we please stop with the scare tactics. the sequestor only cuts the rate of growth. this is absolutely sickening

  2. 9:26 Thank you. The MSM just doesn't get it.

  3. Who cares. Title I funds are only used and abused by the 47%. You know the entitlement crowd.

  4. Good and lets cut even more and your right 12:01 the entitlement crowd needs an ass whooping.

  5. I'm sure that we could find $14 million in the administration's payroll to keep teachers in the classroom. After all, it's for the children.

  6. How much has Obama given to Chicago gangster friends .

  7. How about we cut down on drone construction, or military aid to the the Moslems, or stop the stupid war in Afghanistan, I can think of a lot of things to cut but cutting things like Title 1 gets more MSM attention.

  8. If Washington closed the worthless EPA and Dept of Education that's 85 billion right there.


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