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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Worth Repeating


  1. The speaker really hit the nail on the head...he is so right! Obama is taking away from the ones who have been responsible all along to give to the ones who have been lazy, depending on others to take care of them. I have to pay for my health insurance premium every month to the tune of over $500.00 (for very little coverage) Why should I be taking care of those who are too lazy to find work, sitting around all day on their front porch smoking dope,etc.........GRRERRRRRRRR~

  2. Some people have a job or jobs, have and live with integrity but without health insurance. They are not all too lazy to find work, some don't have a front, back or side porcn to sit on. Some are barely able to pay their mortage or rent, pay electric,etc. Not all are smoking dope nor have an interest in drug use. I don't think anyone has an interest in paying for the welfare of people who are just too lazy or too busy living a let someone take care of me lifestyle. We should not sterdtype and lump people into our huma garbage heap that we have created
    . based on our assumptions. I wonder who is looking at you and what criteria they are using to judge whether or not you are a worthy and valuable human bring. You might be surprised!


  4. Sorry 941AM that you feel this way. Also 937AM. Have no idea what you are talking about.
    If someone is not working, why dont they have the gumption to start making their own money by setting up some kind of business (cleaning, delivery, driver, grass cutting/snow removal) Sure beats sitting around collectiing your monthly check out of the mailbox! Have actually heard remarks like - Why should I try to find a job when I am making more from the government sending me a check each month!

  5. Have actually heard remarks like - Why should I try to find a job when I am making more from the government sending me a check each month!

    January 31, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    From an economic standpoint, why should they?

    Why attack the recipient? Why not attack the programs that enable someone to unjustly collect a check each month?

    You want people to act honorably and refuse to accept monies that are there for the taking?

    You should be more concerned with congresspeople and senators taking money that is just 'sitting there'.

    They take a whole helluva lot more than a few hundred dollars each month.


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