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Tuesday, January 01, 2013


“When they come for my gun, they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands,” is a common refrain I often hear from the Neo-Cons when there is a threat, credible or otherwise, that the US government is going to take their firearms.

And, when I hear this crazy talk, I agree with them openly. “You are right. They will pry your gun from your cold dead hands,” which I often follow with the question, “And where will that leave you except face down in a pool of your own blood [in] the middle of the street, just another dead fool resisting the State?”

This is not a question they are comfortable with, if only because the intent of their saber-rattling was to imply they would fight to keep their weapons, and win.

Nice fantasy. It’s not happening.

If the federal government decides to disarm the public, and when the increasingly-militarized rolls down your street after a not-so-subtle request that you kindly turn over your firearms and ammunition “for the common good,” it will be nothing less than suicide by cop to do anything other than what you are told.

The militarization of US police forces is ongoing and escalating. Many cities and towns now own tanks, armed personnel carriers, even attack helicopters, and almost all are outfitted with military weapons not available to the general public.

And, it is not just your hometown cops who are getting new boy-toys. The military itself is buying up weaponry not just for use in the current or next scheduled war, but to deal with the likes of you, citizens who don’t seem to understand that the Bill of Rights has been overruled, and that specifically includes, but is not limited to, the right to protest and engage in civil disobedience.

Also ignored (as if it didn’t even exist) is the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which generally bars the military from law enforcement activities within the United States.

According to Public Intelligence:

“…for the last two years, the President’s Budget Submissions for the Department of Defense have included purchases of a significant amount of combat equipment, including armored vehicles, helicopters and even artillery, under an obscure section of the FY2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the purposes of ‘homeland defense missions, domestic emergency responses, and providing military support to civil authorities.’ Items purchased under the section include combat vehicles, tanks, helicopters, artillery, mortar systems, missiles, small arms and communications equipment. Justifications for the budget items indicate that many of the purchases are part of routine resupply and maintenance, yet in each case the procurement is cited as being ‘necessary for use by the active and reserve components of the Armed Forces for homeland defense missions, domestic emergency responses, and providing military support to civil authorities’ under section 1815 of the FY 2008 NDAA.”



  1. And where will that leave you except face down in a pool of your own blood [in] the middle of the street, just another dead fool resisting the State?”

    Wouldn't that beat the alternatives?

  2. and the "real" reason this is being done?

  3. I'm an American. We aren't a nation of "spray and pray" types. If that's how I'm supposed to go, I'll gladly take some with me.

  4. Shouldn't one surmise that the two wars are appearing to wind down, that a great deal of these resources may have been used in training the police and military forces of Afganistan and Iraq? Jumping to the conclusion that our government is up to the assertations of this article could be construde as unwarrented paranoia.

  5. You never asked the question how many cops would turn their backs on the second ammendent . How many cops will take up arms aginst their own family. How many cops will play lap dogs to a corrupt goverment .

  6. I guess Americans will resort to preemptive tactics. They have to sleep sometime...
    They will never roll down the streets of America collecting guns not if their wives are attacked at the grocery, their children at the bus stop, their mothers at the salon....
    American's will kick this Government's collective butt and that includes all that try to support it.

  7. 8:48
    You have the right idea for those who participate in going against fellow americans. Sound rash but it will be rash times.

  8. We out number them!

  9. Look at Vietnam, Afganistan etc.. This country can not afford the casualities that would result fromt this type of police actions. I know many cops that would not enforce it period. There will be a common reolve to this isssue all will be happy with. Killing your brother over a rifle will never happen. Stop drinking the koolaid. Every time Ohblaablaa talks about gun control the sales go off the charts. Hmmmm. I smell something fishy here.

    The right to bear arms was inserted into the u.s. constitution to protect us our own government or opposing govts. attempt to take our freedom.

    As my grandfather said. Live free or die. I thought he was crazy or extereme. Now I know what he was talking about. I will die a free man if pushed to choose. Hope we can avoid it. Aim small hit big. A few thousand idiots die trying to enforce this idealolgy of forcing honest Americans to give up rights will surley cause the govts. to lose heart.

  10. The trading with the Enemy Act applies to US Citizens. That's why we need permits and licenses to do everything - this law requires hostiles to register in order to do business with the Corporate US.

    Don't believe me? Look it up.

  11. I sure am glad that Feinsteins bill exempts police officers current and retired. That would be a battle.

  12. The Sheriff of Wicomico County, and the Chiefs of Police in the two smaller towns in Wicomico county will not allow their officers to remove weapons from the citizens. Ask them. Call them and ask them. They will be very open about it.

  13. I have friends and relatives who own many unregistered hunting and personal fire arms. They can't find them all, and I sure as hell won't be giving them mine. I will bury them in woods where only I know where they are and go to them when the time comes to take up arms in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson from the Federalist Papers.


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