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Monday, January 28, 2013

WI Sheriff Tells Residents To Get ‘In The Game’ And Arm Themselves

A Wisconsin sheriff has drawn criticism from other public officials for a radio commercial telling residents not to wait for authorities to help them and to arm themselves for protection.

According to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. can be heard in the ad saying, “With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back.”

Clarke also encourages residents to sign up for firearms training courses, saying, “I need you in the game,” and, “We’re partners now. Can I count on you?”



  1. dont let Queensgirl read this She will have to move there

  2. Gonna be hard to arm yourself in MD if Owe'Malley's anti gun bills pass.

  3. You're right OMalley wants to make it about 385 dollars just to get a permit to just buy a gun

  4. Who cares i will just buy an illegal gun just like the rest of America does why go through all the Nonsenses to try and do the right thing?

  5. So, where is our self-proclaimed hero of Wicomico on the issue?? God knows you can't depend on 911 to get a response before the Gang dominated peeps rob, rape, shoot and kill you. We need to protect ourselves. 23 minutes = avg. 911 response time. A lot can happen before they arrive!!! If you aren't the hero in your own home, you'll be the VICTIM.

  6. I would have 3 illegal guns that are legally registered to me now if his proposed bill passes! How many of you own a Winchoke or other adjustable choke shotgun? Or any hunting rifle with a thread on muzzle brake? "Threaded Barrels" are included!

  7. I'm going illegal to buy my ar, legal will just attract police to my house.

  8. Amen 7:56. I never understood why anyone would want a registered weapon anyway. When (not if) hussien decalaes martial law, they will come and round up all the registered weapons and the criminals will be the only ones left who are armed.

  9. Well, when a new rifle in a new chamber comes out in a new fashion, legal and registered is the way to go. I have a beautiful Browning rifle that I got through Wal-Mart that is just awesome out to 400 yards! Too bad it's registered and has a "threaded barrel" for the awesome adjustable muzzle brake for different loads! It's a great 3 shot deer rifle, but illegal under the new "regime" , Maybe they need to understand the taste of the rifle before the come after it!

  10. I'm glad I sold all my guns, just like all of you.

  11. Mine were stolen. Not sure when. Just came home one day and realized.

  12. Just got to read some of Feinstein's gun-ban bill(Examiner.com). And, guess who two of the co-sponsors are? Yup, our two traitorous Senators, Ben Cardin & Babs Mikulski.

  13. I turned mine in to the gun byeback no ID no questions. And I dont know what they did with them. Oh and they gave me a cool gift card.

  14. You can always change barrels.

  15. 10:43, have some more Kool Aid! In fact, please use the barrel of my guns for a straw!

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