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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Westboro Baptist Members Protest Md. Same-Sex Marriages

A handful of Westboro Baptist Church protesters picketing same-sex marriage in front of courthouses in Annapolis and TowsonWednesday were met with large groups of counter-protesters holding signs preaching tolerance.

In the state capital, more than 250 people gathered in the early morning hours, singing carols, to counter four members of the ultra-conservative Westboro Baptist Church, based in Kansas.

St. Anne's Episcopal Church, across the street from the Annapolis courthouse, organized the counter-protest that swamped the Westboro group.



  1. I absolutely despise Westboro Baptist. But, I agree with them on this. Same sex "marriage" is horrible. It should not be allowed. I voted against it. That's my opinion. Everyone has one. I'm just as entitled to mine as anyone else who will say whatever they say later in this post.

  2. Sorry but no "tolerance" for me. If I believe something is wrong,immoral or against my better judgement I will not bend. I'm not a follower. Being "tolerant" means you are a weak person, a follower and not a leader who stands firm in your principles.

  3. it's a SICK world we live in. there is something BAD wrong with a man that wants to be with another man.

  4. To 5:05, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. However, you aren't entitled to force your opinion on others. If you don't believe in same-sex marriage, then don't get married to another guy. However, if someone else believes differently than you, then what right do you have to use the power of the government to enforce your opinion?

    Contrary to what some seem to think, the same-sex marriage bill doesn't force anyone into a same-sex relationship. It merely allows those who want such a relationship to be treated equally by the law.

  5. I have never agreed with the Westboro Baptist Church until I read this article, You Go Westboro ! ! !

  6. It's BS that they want to be "treated equally by the law" because they already are if they take the proper measures. This isn't about a commitment but more on what they can take advantage of like spousal healthcare benefits, etc. It's always been about wanting the same "benefits" as heterosexual couples and not once about the covenant that a marriage should be.
    It's the usual want more-hand outs democratic agenda.

  7. Anonymous took down their 8 or 9 websites, emails and everything else! What, are they now "apologizing"?

    What a bunch of useful idiots.

  8. Hate to say it, but I'm with them on this one. It IS wrong for them to picket soldier's funerals, STILL.

  9. 8:06
    Might I ask the same question of you?
    "what right do you have to use the power of the government to enforce your opinion?"
    I don't see a difference.
    Legislation doesn't belong here. You can't legislate morals, and that's what this is...a moral question.

  10. 9:30
    That says it all. BRAVO!

  11. they are just warning you of the impending judgement that is coming to this country for our VERY sinful ways.

    we had it good for so many years until we thought we good do anything we wanted to whoever we wanted.

    you can't have gay marriage, wars for profit, blasphemy, murder, adultery, etc. etc, without something bad coming down the pike.

    we are reaping what we have sowed.

    you worry about who can kill the body but not the One who can kill the soul.


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