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Saturday, January 12, 2013

WBOC Is Filtering Out Positive Comments In Your Favor

I've been posting comments in your favor on wboc and they are not being approved.

Food for thought.

Good luck.

COMMENT: That's because Chris Demone works there as the production editor. He is also on Jim Iretons election team. WBOC is supposed to be neutral as a news outlet. I guess they are just like the Daily Times. 


  1. That's because Chris Demone works there as the production editor. He is also on Jim Iretons election team. WBOC is supposed to be neutral as a news outlet. I guess they are just like the Daily Times.

  2. Joe, you do the same thing. alot of comments that do not agree with you are not put through.

    Probably just like this one!

    1. He just had to try and prove you wrong! But I completely agree with you!

  3. Compared to DC's & Baltimore's WRC-TV & WBAL-TV news broadcasts, WBOC is a joke!
    As I stated before, the broadcasters on their are unprofessional phony actors & actresses with the exception of Paul Butler, Aisha Khan and a couple others.
    This newscast is nothing but humorous entertainment (especially that hew corny weatherman) and not newsworthy whatsoever!

  4. anonymous 5:39, that just isn't true. First of all, there hasn't been ONE single comment that has come in positive about Jim Ireton, NOT ONE.

    While Jim may THINK he has support, most people smile to his face but once he turns around they despise him.

    Jim has burned so many bridges, there's no way he can get re elected and if he doesn't know it, he will know it in April.

    Another way we know the lack of Jim's popularity is the lack of hits on any of his articles vs. mine.

    So you can try to make all the claims you want, the very select few of you that do support Jim will see in the end, it's over for Jim Ireton.

    WBOC now has at least three current employees who despise me personally. If only WBOC knew that some of these employees have exposed corporate information to me including the traffic they get on their site, advertising rates and so forth and so on.

    Karma is, well, it is what it is.

  5. I am a reporter and writer and of the numerous newscasts I have watched throughout the U.S., WBOC is DEFINITELY the most bias in my opinion and their crew overall is the most inferior.
    It appears to me that the station is extremely selective with the news that it broadcasts and withholds many important events from the public, unlike SBY News.

  6. It should get very interesting from here on out. Let's just say a select group of Lawyers are going to start putting up comments from here on out who are in support of Joe Albero. They will use whatever sources they need to find out if WBOC continues to reject or remove comments. Game On.

  7. I'll add, copy and paste your comment sent in to WBOC and then put it up here as well.

  8. Kay parsons is the one that moderates that right? I also noticed when a black guy commits a crime, im guessing white folks will comment negative stuff but soon after, its deleted BUT if a white guy commits a crime and im guessing black folks make negative comments, they are left up! WBOC can keep ppl there anyway. They get ride of people they hire with in 2 years. What happened to CPT Willie and the rest? I see they brought Paul Butler back with open arms!

  9. One more interesting note ALL of you should know. When the Reporter came to my Office for an interview I brought her to my computer and showed her my hits per day. Her eyes bugged out in amazement. I did the same with the Daily Times recently. When I stated during my Press Conference that we almost hit 13,000,000 hits in 2012 they reporter knew this to be a fact. However, it was never published.

  10. I have to say I have submitted items in the past to SBYNEWS/WBOC/WMDT/WSJ/DT and my moms blog that have not made it in. It is as easy to explain away by accident as to say it was on purpose. That still is not to say it is not happening.

    January 11, 2013 5:52 PM actually Joe is the most biased, but he is also not claiming to be fair and balanced or some other such nonsense. He is clear in his ideology and is as much about our community as he is about responsible goverment.

  11. 6:11, 5;52 here.
    While I don't always agree with Joe, from what I have noticed over the years is that Joe does not withhold important info that our community needs to be aware of.
    I very much disagree with you that Joe isn't about our community and feel that he has devoted an enormous amount of his valuable time to strive to make Salisbury a better community, as we all should because there is too much strife, conflict & hate in our area.

  12. I stopped watching WBOC years ago. I couldn't stand that Steve Hammond. I did turn it on to see you Joe on there the other night and it was a one sided interview if you want my opinion. Most of their news if for Delaware anyway.

  13. When we look at our SPAM file, I can see why SOME of you make claims your comments aren't published.

    You see, at one time or another, YOU have made very nasty comments with curse words and or personal attacks against me or others. Therefore we spammed your comment and you are no longer allowed to get your comment published because you have been banned on my Site through Blogger.

    That's the price you pay when your that negative. There are currently 28,440 comment in SPAM, go figure. Don't believe me, send a Reporter to my Office and I will be more than happy to show them the spam folder as well.

  14. Honestly before I read this post I was on the fence about who best deserves my vote. Now I know.

    Joe, if ALL the news media outlets will go so far as to alienate a candidate, well this has me thinking.

    And this is the conclusion I have reached.

    THEY are running scared of..

    A. SYBNews (Rightly so)

    B. YOU Joe Albero and the changes are about the make to the Good Olde Boy network.

    Don't they see by not being objective they are only helping you campaign.

    Congratulation Joe on making an entire Town nervous.

    Changing coming...........

  15. JoeAlbero said...
    anonymous 5:39, that just isn't true. First of all, there hasn't been ONE single comment that has come in positive about Jim Ireton, NOT ONE

    Au Contraire Joe. I know you have done that to my comments too. Not about Liarton but other subjects.

    Granted SOME of those should not have been posted but, others were fine as compared to other comments that were going up.

    I'm not hating on you but it is what it is.

  16. anonymous 6:45, I just saw this in the spam file and published it.

    We do that from time to time as we have several people who moderate comments, (mostly women, no disrespect) who at times can be more sensitive than myself.

    IF you send in a nasty comment and you do get spammed, IT IS WHAT IT IS.

    Perhaps now people will realize if they try to be nasty they'll get cut off.

  17. The upper level of news staff at "BOC" has always been terrible -- like Steve Hammond (aka the "Big Buffoon"). They thing they are hotshots because they have a chopper.

  18. Joe:

    How about doing those online broadcasts like you did a couple years ago.

  19. Do you think that the Governor's gay agenda is spreading to the shore and local government? Clearly, the Mayor is not a "family man".

  20. I agree with 6:44pm.

    They are not objective at all.

  21. The problem is that you do have a lot of support out here however we are scared of the backlash if we openly support you. What a double edge sword we hold.

  22. If this City elected that Idiot again then we get what deserves. more years of BS shoved down our throats.

    Frankly I don't enjoy it one bit.

  23. C.Holbrook Middleneck DrJanuary 11, 2013 at 7:38 PM

    I want a yard sign.

  24. Joe you have my vote.

  25. We Love You Joe!


  26. Anon 7:00 makes a great point regarding many of WBOC's staff thinking they're "hot shots." I've noticed that as well. Most of them think they are comparable to Hollywood Movie Stars just because they're on TV, especially when I see them out in public strutting around with their swagger as though they are superior than everyone and invincible.

    They need to realize that they're mortal human beings that are dust in the wind as we all are instead of masquerading around with their lipstick, plastic and paint (as Bon Jovi once said) in their Fantasy World.

  27. It's 7:40 PM and WJZ TV channel 13 in Baltimore is blacked out. Not only to Comcast but as well to Direct TV. I pay for this channel in my monthly billing, so why can I not receive it?

  28. Those other media dumb asses just can't handle you Joe. You are real and in there face. You give us the truth raw and some people just can't handle it. They in the Fantasy World called The City Of Salisbury.

  29. 7:00 Steve Hammond is a good man. I'm not a big fan of any local news outlets but this one. Just because the company you work for stinks, dosn't meen all the people that work there stink

  30. Interesting, seeing as you have chosen not to post many of the occasional comments that I leave on your little blog. Those who live in glass houses...

  31. Joe your the man!!!

  32. Yard Signs will be available next week. We placed the largest order the printer had ever seen for a local election and I plan to order even more.

  33. Joe ---How and where do we get a yard sign?

  34. Yard Signs will be available next week. We placed the largest order the printer had ever seen for a local election and I plan to order even more.

    January 11, 2013 8:06 PM

    Don't forget you will have to take them all down.

  35. Your Blogger pic is HOT!

    Beautiful Blue Eyes!

  36. anonymous 8:09, here come the Ireton crew threats once again. I have seen literaly THOUSANDS of these threats over the years and isn't it funny how the Ireton crew is sitting there refreshing Salisbury News every few seconds and responding to comments, or is this you WBOC???

    Some people are sending in comments that I have personally rejected because they are personal messages, yet they are NOT man enough to send me an e-mail. Very similar to what the Ireton crew tried to do when Andy Harris was running against whomever that guy was. Oh yeah, Kratovill.

    I'll warn you now, you want to send personal messages without sending me an e-mail, your comment will be rejected.

    Anonymous 8:08, we will have them available at my building in Downtown Salisbury. I'll ask that you pull up the signs at night as there is no doubt in my mind that Ireton's people will be BORROWING them left and right.

  37. We've already rejected 16 comments into the spam folder with viruses attached. Come on Jimmy, lay off, will ya.

  38. Ireton immediately started his campaign with a childish approach with his name-calling propaganda rant about Joe when he attempted to belittle him and defame his character when he stated - "What we have today is a Delaware blogger who has a gossip column." This substantiated to all of us how immature he is and how he is seriously lacking in the "class department."

    It is obvious that there is no love lost between WBOC and Joe since Joe has posted articles on his site about WBOC that were not very favorable. Perhaps Joe is more outspoken than others, but he never posted any libelous or slanderous articles about WBOC...only truthful ones.

    What also appears obvious to me and many others is that WBOC is retaliating against Joe seeking vengeance and they need to cease the animosity immediately and BEHAVE themselves and act in a professional, ethical, and respectable manner just as the majority of other TV news stations BEHAVE.

  39. Threats are nothing to you. You have proven that time and time again.

  40. Everyone is talking about you. No press is bad press or so they say.

  41. Joe as far as I can tell you never back down. So keep strong my friend and give it your all.

  42. I cant believe you would have the nerve to run for public office. What credentials do you have. Running a business and a blog one again a blog have nothing to do with saving a town with ever increasing violence, poverty, corruption, and overall lack of supervision from its Mayor. Jim Ireton is a joke and so are you. I have posted numerous comments that you have said are spam full of viruses. I have no clue how to send a virus as maller of fact i am so computer illiterate i had to get my grand daughter to make me an email account just to get a response from you. I appreciate the enthusiasm but please stop using this election to boost your ego and let a real politicians race for this office

  43. Paul, the SPAM comments we are rejecting ALL have LINKS to Websites with viruses. Their hope is to send in as many as possible in the hopes one might get through. We are too good for that.

    IF WBOC continues to reject comments in favor of Joe Albero they will be taken to Court. They have a protocol to follow and they will get exposed. Time will tell.

  44. Paul, to answer the rest of your questions, as I stated earlier, if you are happy with the leadership you've had over the past 16 years, a House wife with no business experience and a Teacher with no business experience, by all means, vote for Jim Ireton.

    As for your statement, "I have posted numerous comments that you have said are spam full of viruses." You sir, are a liar. By all means, PROVE what you are saying is true. I have NEVER seen your name before but please do show every one where you have ever posted a comment here.

    Good luck with that.

  45. What exactly is a "real politician" Paul?

    Maybe you mean a "good" politican, one who first and foremost knows that it's the public they serve and not themselves.
    Someone who has made connections in the community with all walks of life.
    Someone who keeps informed of current events.
    Someone who has learned from the past.
    Someone who is dedicated to exactly what it is they are trying to accomplish.
    Someone who learns from others successes.

    This blog has been a great experience for Joe. Joe realized Sby needed an alternative news source and he sprang into action. He didn't sit around a wish and wait for someone else to do it-he did it. He also persevered which allowed Sby News to become the success that it is today. This surely didn't happen overnight and I'm sure in the early days Joe just wanted to quit but he didn't. This blog is an excellent source for gaging the pulse of the community and also a way to bring people together and for getting new ideas.

  46. I have a few game cameras , we should set them up in different locations to see who screws with the signs . Tag numbers , vehicle make , person ID photo.

  47. Get over yourself you punk. It's no different than what you do on your hobby blog (if it's even true). Who on God's earth do you think you are? Go away delaware
    blogger. You are mentally ill and need serious help.

  48. Joe, here is a tip. If you are getting that much traffic you could setup a small script to display adsense ads instead of local ads when a non-local surfer lands on your page. This would increase your CTR and revenues from non-local surfers. If you are getting that much traffic, a percentage of it has to be from outside of our community that you are missing out on, unless you already do what I just suggested. It would take 5 minutes and probably earn you an extra $xx,xxx yearly. Especially if you are a trusted Google author. I have flip flopped with my support on you but ultimately you have my vote for your stance against "business as usual" within the msm and goals on bettering Salisbury.

    -Matt M

  49. It appears to me that the local media is propagandizing this election in favor of Ireton and that a logical solution would be to schedule 1 or 2 civil debates among Ireton & Albero within the next couple of months in order to validate all of the heresay and to expose the TRUTH to Salisbury's voters prior to the election.

  50. I'd be willing to bet that Ireton would not consent to any open debate where real issues could be discussed.

  51. 6;54, what you have FIRMLY confirmed to all of us is that you are struggling with Bottled-Up ANGER and that it is Clearly YOU (NOT Joe) who is in dire need of psychiatric help in addition to the need of you for you to attend some sort of ANGER Management Program...ASAP.

  52. That's a great idea Andy B.

    To Paul-Yeah that's just what Salisbury needs "a real politican." What's a "real politican" anyway? One who talks a good game but walks another walk? One who says one thing to your face but does the opposite?
    No what Salisbury needs is a real person. One who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. The country would be alot better of if we elected real people into office instead of fake politicians.

  53. 6:54 "Hobby blog"-What's that supposed to mean? And so what if it is. It's not like it's earth shattering info or anything. You are the one who is mentally ill-obessed with Joe and what you all refer to as a "hobby blog" and the DE blogger like you've all discovered something amazing. Get over it-you not as clever as you all think you are.

  54. Whats wrong with America is that politicans HAVE NO business experience and trick people who vote them in only to benefit the special interest who pays for them.

  55. Are you running for Mayor of Salisbury? It greatly concerns me that my vote would be wasted on you. With all your threats and and all your whining and your hourly updates and complaints of people and MSM it sure appears you will never find the time to around to telling us how you will improve our city and why your plan is far better than the others.

    PS Just a heads up - at least two others filing on Tuesday for Mayor. There will be at 1 more each filing in Dist 1 and 2.

  56. Why can't you keep the election process professional? The childish comments, name calling, personal attacks, etc. are ridiculous. Keep it about SALISBURY...Politics aside, Jim Ireton is a good man, as I am sure you are, Mr. Albero. We are all entitled to our opinions and it is expected that opposing candidates will disagree on political issues. Can't you accept only comments about the ISSUES and nothing else? All the rest is just unnecessary and irrelevant to who can do the most for the town. Don't publish the crass comments from homophobes and rednecks who know nothing about the issues and have never outgrown the middle school mentality. SbyNews should be above that, and you should be as well, Mr. Albero. Professionalism is severely lacking on your blog.

  57. Paul Pellegrin,

    We should only elect "real politicians"?

    What is that? This is America where we elect fellow citizens to represent us.

    If we are good voters, good citizens, we take time to be informed on the issues and vote for people who are informed on the issues.

    How dare Joe Albero run? He "dares" easily! You knock him for being a businessman. Lots of our elect leaders, "real politicians," are or have been businessmen (or businesswomen).

    There goes one part of your illogical argument.

    On issues, Joe Albero started his blog to tell people what was going on with issues. He has spent years looking into them, obtaining documents, and telling people what the so-called "real media" tells us about the "real politicians."

    There goes the other part of your illogical argument.

    Or are you saying Joe Albero can't run because he hasn't held another office first. Then how do you get the "first office"? You are like the employer I interviewed who wouldn't hire me because I didn't have "experience." I had all the education, unpaid experience and ideas to do the job better than the person he hired "with experience" (who couldn't cut the mustard after three months and was gone, I was told).

    In short, you make a ridiculous argument, and sound downright un-American that only some kind of annointed ones should be allowed to run.

    Shame on you, Paul Pellegrin, shame on you.

  58. Anonymous 10:14am

    Who is running?

  59. PS Just a heads up - at least two others filing on Tuesday for Mayor. There will be at 1 more each filing in Dist 1 and 2.

    NO one is that stupid to run against Joe. Talk about setting yourself up to fail.

  60. 10:14 - interesting that you have inside information.

    also interesting that the daily times ran an article soliciting candidates and all of a sudden people are popping up to run, people we have heard of before.


  61. I totally agree with 5:39..I post comments almost everyday and I've never seen one comment published..the amount of Obama bashing thats on this site is insane. You previously wrote a blog stating that people were calling you recist for your comments and that you would not publish them..But hey its your site your rules..WBOC always approves my comments!

  62. Well, Diddio, if that is the case then that is a serious issue that Salisbury's citizens should be VERY concerned about because there are ALWAYS 2 sides to every story and the story the media has been relaying to everyone about the mayoral candidates thus far with its apparent “Brainwashing Propaganda” seems to be 1-sided favoring Ireton via publishing/airing his unsubstantiated statements and although the TRUTH being clarified to everyone via a debate may be painful for Ireton and “hurt” him, the TRUTH will most certainly “help” Salisbury’s voters with determining their decision to vote for the best and most competent candidate for the mayoral position who is best suited to steer Salisbury on the right path towards a more prosperous future.

    (WOW...that's gotta' be the longest sentence I've ever written in my entire life!)

  63. Don;t worry. He is fried.

  64. I would like to ask Paul Pelligrin a question on the substance of words. It is obvious that he has no love for Joe or Ireton and is looking for another candidate. According to 10:14, he will have that chance.

    Since this gentleman simply attacked you, Joe, instead of asking you about what concerned him, I want to ask him about what concerns him, which is, in his own words:

    "saving a town with ever increasing violence, poverty, corruption, and overall lack of supervision from its Mayor"

    What I would like to know is, Mr. Perrigrin mentions corruption. I would like to know what corruption he is referring to. I would also like to know what "lack of supervision" he means.

    Then I would like to see Joe, whenever he feels it is appropriate because I understand politics is timing, answer these concerns. But I think Mr. Perrigrin owes it to be specific in asking Joe and other candidates what they will do to combat these problems.

    That is all. I do not care to get down in the personal gutter with Mr. Pelligrin. I think we should all stick to issues.

    Thank you for letting me ask my questions here.

  65. To Jan. 11, 6:12 p.m.: Captain Willie had to stop flying due to a heart problem. The station did a week-long tribute to him on the occasion of his retirement, and he hosts an outdoors-type program with another guy every weekend.

  66. It is about what is best for the city of Salisbury. We seem to have similar problems as we did under Tighlman. I think the issue is with city administrators. As long as they remain the same, nothing will change.

  67. Bottom line is Joe Albero is talking the talk and pretending to walk the walk. There have been many post on this site bashing people and saying what being done wrong and you dont have to be the mayor to get something done about them. You think the river is dirty then help clean it up. You think the side walks look bad clean them up, oh yea you did spend a couple hours one day on a small stretch of sidewalk after a comment came in stating that you should. Salisbury is alot bigger than the downtown plaza. And if you do win I would love to see you prove all of us nay sayers wrong and do such a wonderful job improving this city that you remain mayor till your age and health keep you from doing so>

  68. @924 and prmc has spoken.

  69. I like public support to open a Hooters in the old firehouse downtown. This is the kind of forward thinking that could bring business and traffic and tax base back. Do I hear some yeas.

  70. 10:14 & 10:18 couldn't be more correct,smh.

  71. The Daily Times already know who is going to file. They gave it away when they wrote about Jack Heath running against Debbie Campbell. They referred to it as an "increasingly crowded field."

    I guess they go by "two's company, three's a crowd"?

    Tony Sarbanes, the ex-county council president who hiked our taxes through the roof is backing this guy. So is Palmer Gillis and I lost respect for him when he threw a hissy fit over the old firehouse. Not businesslike at all.

    I'm guessing Mike Dunn and the old guy who speaks a lot and gets in the paper for getting the flu from a mosquito and being a veteran will both file for mayor.

    The short guy with the glasses who keeps talking about bicycles will probably file against Debbie Campbell.

    I hope Salisbury has its seatbelts on because I predict it is going to be the ugliest election season ever with the Ireton faction, Dunn faction, etc. trying to destroy the Campbell faction and the anti-Albero faction vs. the pro-Albero faction on and on and on.

    Once again, glad not to live in Salisbury. Screwed up media, mean politicians, hell, mean businesspeople, too, whiny departments, blah, blah, blah.

    Maybe we'll even get to see another council member getting a groin kick like when the former mayor's daughter kicked Rachel Polk.

  72. We are going to take you down very slowly. We want you to feel the pain for a very long time. You will never forget what we are about to do to you. You will be sorry very soon for your actions. You have been warned.

  73. "Always Watching" serves as a prime example of the problem with an abundance of Salisbury's population - too many ignorant and peanut brained bullies!

  74. You must have a horribly rotten life Always Watching. Your user name speaks volumes. Are you "always watching" Joe? Why? Don't you have anything else better to do?
    It's obvious by your comment that you are threatening Joe. Why? What are you trying to prove? Any normal person who has a problem with someone ignores them.
    It's weird to sit behind a computer and make threats. Not only is it weird but it's infantile.

  75. Always Watching


    Thanks for the laugh with your empty threats of payback. I think I can sum you up in one word....


    Joe is good man with a big heart. He will do the right thing by Salisbury wait and see.

  76. We are an army of many. So you know you never know who we are. We are everywhere all the time.

  77. Real scary "Always Watching". Joe must be shaking in his boots from your intimidating fear tactics!

  78. Always Watching makes his group sound like a huge swarm of harmless yet annoying gnats.

  79. 2:36 Bring it on you little ..Beoooch.

  80. where in the world is Joe.

  81. Always watching, but never doing.

  82. But see, this is EXACTLY what is sick about your town. You have people like "Always Watching" who think holding office is about destroying other people.

    You have people who just want to own the town. Money. People who just want to control the town. Power.

    Albero has wanted to hold people accountable. That is different than the sicko stuff "Always Watching" is spewing.

    Count me out, Salisbury. I will never live there or encourage anyone else to do so. You are sick. Your media is sick. Most of your officials are sick.

  83. Always Watching - there is always someone bigger and badder out there.

  84. All these personal attacks on alway joe will post them though

  85. Hopefully people who do not know who you are will do some research on this site to get to know what kind of person you are

    1. yes, then they will def. NOT vote for him.

  86. This will be a very interesting election. And one I hope Joe wins. I doubt he will as most voters who show up usually are older and do not have internet access. They typically rely on the DT and WBOC and WMDT for info. If the main stream media wont be fair and unbiased (and they usually are not ANYWHERE) people will not hear about Joe. I dont think Joe will be able to win on internet and yard signs, he will need print and media coverage. Be interesting if he wants that, or can even get it.
    Good luck Joe... I really hope hope you win and would vote for you if I could.

  87. @ Jom (7:05) Hopefully you're wrong about the older voters only relying on the bias media. What I don't understand is how Joe gets into an automobile accident and the media is all over it and makes the minor incident its headline & front page news, but Ireton commits a perverted & indecent act one the ladies bathroom at Mojo's and they cover it up and keep it hush-hush. How the hell can our local media support such a degenerate to be our mayor!?

  88. The Delaware blogger is angry because Ireton questions his eligibility... Kinda like all of his followers question Obamas citizenship. too funny

  89. Jim, you'd be amazed just how many elderly people come to Salisbury News, no kidding.

    The key to this election is to encourage every one you know to get out and vote.

    We have more than 12,000 registered voters and less than 3,000 of them actually vote.

    Get out there and vote.

  90. And that is why when I go vote, I will drag along as many people as I can to vote in your favor.

  91. We have a choice to vote for more of the same, or vote for Joe and let him manage things for two years. I'll take Joe!

  92. I'll take Joe! Some of the city's department heads need a good enema and we all know that. Roll the dice we need change.

  93. Salisbury has a MP unit in Kandahar City. Only War the nation is fighting and they are on decisive terrain. No news on it. Enough said about Salisbury Media in General.


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