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Thursday, January 24, 2013

US Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For US Military Missions In Mali "Assisting" The French

As reported previously, not only are there currently US boots on the ground  in the latest geopolitical "anti Al-Qaeda" snafu in Mali, but it turns out a US presence had been secretly in place for many months prior to the recent escalation in French-led hostilities against the western African nation. And while this would likely have opened up numerous media inquiries under any other administration, so far these has been zero interest as to just why the US is "assisting" the French in this latest military deployment of military forces outside of the US: after all, one of the biggest complaints about US spending is that so much of it goes for military purposes (ignoring that all the tax revenues can't even cover just the monthly entitlement spending of the nation).

Perhaps one reason is that, at least to date, the general consensus was that since the French operation in Mali is spearheaded and organized by the French, it is also funded by them. As it turns out that is not the case.

As Reuters reports, "The U.S. military has flown five C-17 cargo sorties into the Malian capital to help bring a French mechanized infantry unit into the fight against al Qaeda-affiliated militants in the north of the country, Pentagon officials said on Tuesday." But surely the French are paying for these sorties which are there only to help the French, right? Wrong. "Little said the United States had decided not to seek compensation or reimbursement from France for the flights." Luckily, the US is in such a healthy financial position it can afford to not only open one more front in the war against "Al Qaeda", but will sign for the French tab too. With Joe Sixpack's money of course.



  1. Yes, such a waste of money attempting going after terrorists who would like nothing more than to set up a base of operations to launch another 9/11

  2. Remember when we "assisted" France in Vietnam in the early 1960s -- here we go again!

  3. Yestday during the hearings in which Clinton was tesifing some stupid wench (didn't see her name)while participating in the democratic praisefest for Clinton thanked Clinton "for all she's done for the women of Africa." This idiotic statement came out of the mouth of a US Congresswoman. Does she not know that Africa thanks to both Obama and Clinton is being overun by Islamist extremists? Is she that damm ignorant that she doesn't know the abuses women suffer under Islamist rule?

  4. 1:38-Obama keeps making the same mistakes that another imbecile known as FDR did. FDR's failed policy after failed policy prolonged the Depression by years. It was only by the war and the jobs that that created that saved the US.

  5. "What difference does it make!" Hillary - 2013


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