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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against The American People

We've documented that - by any measure - America is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
But remember, terrorism is defined as:
The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
The American government has also been using violence and threats to intimidate and coerce the American public for political purposes.
For example, the U.S. government is doing the following things to terrorize the American public into docility and compliance:


  1. After reading this,a lot of people will leave the US to live elsewhere-not.

  2. The Patriot Act is anything but.

    10:04, you mock, but a friend of mine did leave, with great sorrow - and he's a liberal democrat, fyi.

    Reality is, one thing many conservatives and liberals have in common in concern that worries over safety post 9/11 have swung the pendulum too far.

  3. 9/11 provided a perfect excuse to implement a lot of things.In retrospect it appears that a lot of people were poised and ready for a catastrophic event to occur.Most of the amazing technology we hear about today actually existed pre 9/11,but 9/11 gave them an excuse to put it to use.

  4. More paranioa- go get you tin foil hats!!!

  5. Please, please leave. The government should provide a free ticket to anyone who wants to leave.

  6. Alex said...
    Please, please leave. The government should provide a free ticket to anyone who wants to leave.

    January 9, 2013 12:03 PM

    And I/we would hope you would be first in line.



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