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Friday, January 25, 2013

Union Membership Drops

The percentage of American workers who belong to a union dropped in the past year, including among workers in the federal sector. The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show 11.3 percent of all workers belong to a union. That's down 0.5 percent from last year. It's the lowest since the 1930s. The federal workforce is nearly 27 percent unionized, down about 2 percent. Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union, blames widespread hiring freezes for the drop in federal union membership.


  1. And I hope it keeps dropping. It's one of the few indicators that WE THE PEOPLE are getting tired of the control these unions and government has over our lives.

  2. But not in Maryland, where your beloved Guvnor reached right into the pockets of state employees who weren't union members and took a 'fair share' fee out of their pay, giving it to .. the union.
    They don't have to 'join', but the do have to PAY.

    You elected him.

  3. Union have lost there main objective
    instead of protecting the rights of hard working people they protect people who are lazy and have no work ethic at all. NEW WORLD ORDER


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