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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Unborn Babies Learn Language In Womb, As Early As 10 Weeks

New reports of fascinating research show babies can distinguish between their native language and foreign languages when they’re just a few hours old. A new study found that and suggests they start absorbing language before birth.

The report shows sensory and brain mechanisms for hearing develop by 30 weeks of the gestational age. The study’s authors said the unborn child starts listening to the mother’s voice during the last 10 weeks of pregnancy.
“The mother has first dibs on influencing the child’s brain,” said the University of Washington’s Patricia Kuhl, co-author of the study. “The vowel sounds in her speech are the loudest units and the fetus locks onto them.”

“This is the first study that shows fetuses learn prenatally about the particular speech sounds of a mother’s language,” said Christine Moon, lead author. “This study moves the measurable result of experience with speech sounds from six months of age to before birth.”

One news report provides more details:


1 comment:

  1. this just can't be. planned parenthood, the liberal new media, liberal clergy, liberal politicians, liberal educators, pro-death doctors and health professionals told us this was a "piece of tissue" a "blob of nothingness". can it be??? this really is a human growing in the womb. it must be; because it's not a cat, dog or a leaf. wow !! who knew. this is just wonderful...


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