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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


NEW YORK – If lawmakers and authorities are truly concerned about stopping gun violence in schools, they need to take a close look at the prescription of psychotropic drugs for children and young people, says a leading psychiatrist.

In an exclusive in-person interview in New York City with WND, London-based Dr. David Healy criticized pharmaceutical companies that have made billions of dollars marketing Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, known as SSRIs.

Psychotropic drugs “prescribed for school children cause violent behavior,” Healy stated.

The drugs are widely used in the U.S. as antidepressants by doctors working in the mental health field and increasingly by primary care doctors, he noted.



  1. Hmmm, Obama is now called a medicine???

  2. I hate to say it, but I rebelled. My parents took me to the doctor and they played musical meds with me. My life wents from rebelling to being extremly depressed, sleeping on the time, and just plain didn't care about anything. Doctors just put kids on whatever to see how it goes, and often, things don't go well

  3. Now which MD lawmaker is going to address this issue? One thing's for certain it's not going to be a Democrat and that's up the butts of big business including the pharmaceutical industry and the teacher's union which is all for drugging children.
    The gutless wonders will ignore this very important factor and continue to place blame on an inanimate object.
    Leaders instead of followers. It's gotten to be the term politician is bad and it's no wonder. We have very few polticians anymore who are deserving of any respect.

  4. big pharma has a stranglehold on the politicians! Its as big as oil...military suicides, mass shootings, illegal pot, all rest on Big pharmas doorstep. Whats up with anti depressants with suicidal side effects!!! FDA guilty!!!another useless gov agency...Why do we have drugstores on almost every corner? Think its so obvious guns are not the problem its a useless instrument until someone pics it up. WHO PICS IT UP IS THE ISSUE

  5. Schools in MD are a guilty party to drugging kids. Politicians like it because then test scores can be modified and they have a platform to brag on by saying MD schools rate high.
    Any politican who goes around saying MD schools are so great are only deserving of a spit in the face. You heard it! A spit in their putrid faces. Nothing more than worthless sleazes who put their own ambitions in front the the heatlth and well being of children.

  6. When these mass shooting nuts do their dirty deeds they are all on big pharma issued psychotropic drugs. Notice the leftist media never emphasizes that aspect of the situation. Just watch half of commercials during the news programming. They are Big Pharma drug commercials. You know the ones, where the drug side effects are quickly stated usually including,depression, suicidal thoughts, aggression, death, etc and then back to how wonderful the drug is and to ask your doctor for them right away!

  7. ANd who is the middle man, the psyciatrist. Some mild disorders respond to alternative treatments or techiques. Yet psychiatrists push meds. I know I went to a clinic because of a family situation and stress. I did not want meds I was clear,yet this psyciatrist several times asked me, "And you dont want a prescription?" All I needed was expert answers,to talk to someone who understood my situation and a way to deal with the extreme crap in my life.

    Before all this I read this interesting bit- A psychiatrist will recieve over $75 just for 10-15 minutes for writng a prescription. Where a therapist will recieve much less for one hour of therapy. Kinda makes a person feel less human.

  8. Teachers and schools are not trained to deal with students with severe behavior problems. This is an area that has long been overlooked.

    There really needs to be reform in several areas. Focus on the root of the problem mental health treatment, wellness and management not guns.

  9. If you stood outside a psychiatrists office for a short time you would see a parade of drug reps with their little suitcases going in and out on a regular basis. These docs get kickbacks for prescribing the lastest greatest pills.

  10. Not only psychiatirsts offices but drug reps for these drugs mentioned also visit many other specialties also including family practioners. Not only visit the offices with lunches but take them to dinner on their companies dime.


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