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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Tony Perkins Upset That ‘Goofy’ Yoga Classes ‘Driving Religion Out’ Of Military

Christian conservative leader Tony Perkins is upset — this time, about yoga classes being offered to military members.

Why? Because the “goofy” style of exercise has been used as a “wacky” substitute for a “personal relationship with God,” effectively driving religion out of the military.

At the beginning of his radio address this morning, the Family Research Council head declared: “In the military, it’s out with God–and in with the goofy!”

“As part some new training, Marines are being asked to join weekly yoga and meditation classes,” he explained. “Sergeant Nathan Hampton said the idea took some getting used to. ‘Why are we sitting around a classroom doing weird meditating stuff?’ he wondered.”


  1. Ask any pro athlete, yoga is extremely beneficial. It extends careers and with a proper exercise regimen helps you get to peak physical conditioning. Some schmuck who's never tried it wouldn't know.

  2. Tony Perkins is a few shy of a full deck.

  3. Mr Perkins is just looking to increase $$. So afraid there might be less people to give money.


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