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Monday, January 07, 2013

Today's Survey Question 1/7/13

With the new taxes now in effect. Did you see a change in your paycheck?


  1. We won't know until next week when there will be a full weeks pay without a holiday in there. Im sure it will be less.

  2. Yes, SS payroll tax up 2%

  3. Sure did! I'm glad the special interests kept their subsidies, loopholes and extensions though. I wish that middle class families could somehow become special interests of the politicians we vote into office.

  4. Yep. $20 less per week.

  5. At 2% this will cost me about $150 dollars a month. I guess I will see the difference this Friday.

  6. Sure did. I got a 20.00 pay increase and the new tax took 21.00 out, in the hold another dollar

  7. I thought they were going to raise taxes on the rich only?

  8. yes I did, I was shocked at how much was taken out!

  9. You people are scaring me.I won't know until 1/31 how much is taken from mine.

  10. Withholding tables have not changed. The only difference should be that your social security witholding went back to 6.2 %.

  11. Lost $40 for two week pay, or $80 a month! There goes roughly two tanks of gas. Guess it's time to become an entitlement slave and sit home all day, every day!

  12. U ALL put him back in the WH. Dont complain.

  13. My check is almost $104 less per month. It's hard for this single mom already working 2 jobs as it is, and barely making it on the amount I had coming in before.

  14. Yes $ 25 per pay for a total of $ 650 per year. Now I hear i will pay more in income taxes because I am in the $ 30,000 dollar bracket and it will be a higher percentage then those who make over $ 400,000 per year.

    I don't quailfy for any government programs..... I guess I will be among the homeless with in a year or so.....

    For all of those who voted some of the same idiots back into office. Hope its working for ya

  15. Yes my SS payroll tax went back up to where it was before the payroll tax holiday. I am happy to pay the tax so that seniors who have long long since been paid what they put in can continue to draw SS benefits they have not earned.

  16. What it amounts to is workers can expect $2 from every $100 of gross pay to be deducted from their pay this year.
    Doesn't sound like much but in the overall scheme it's terrible. It's not going to make a dent in anything and only means less money going into local economies.

  17. NO! Some people work for cash only.

  18. you get what you voted for. fool me once, but many of you were fooled once and then twice. if this is your case, suck it up !!!

    for those of us who knew better; we must suffer because of the poor decisions made by clueless voters.

    our only course of action is to continue to educate, expose and repeat the truth over and over until the next election cycle. of course pray for guidance in this very poor economy under this very poor president.

  19. change your withholdings and make up the difference.

  20. Wifey and I are down about $300 per month from this. That was going to be payment on a used car for me.

  21. All of us should remember something our parents taught us..all that glitters isn't gold!!

  22. 3:26 has the right idea.

  23. beats me, i've been out of work for a year

  24. beats me, i've been out of work for a year

    January 7, 2013 11:45 PM

    Two years for me. My paycheck hasn't changed tho. It's still the same amount, $0.00


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