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Friday, January 18, 2013

'There Is No Plan': Looming Defense Cuts Already Have Contractors Shedding Jobs

With a March 1 deadline looming for Congress to once again strike a deal in order to avoid $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts -- including $500 billion at the Pentagon -- some companies that rely on the defense industry are already bracing for the worst by canceling contracts and laying off workers.

Kathleen Volandt, president of Auroros, Inc., told Fox News that the constant uncertainty in Washington reduced her total revenues by 56 percent last year. A disabled veteran who employs three full-time staffers and 31 contractors at her Raleigh, N.C.-based information technology company, Volandt said each passing deadline just compounds the problem and brings nearly everything at her company to a standstill.

"We keep having to redo budgets because of contract changes," said Volandt. "We just lost two contracts because of the fiscal cliff. Right now, nobody's moving forward on any projects."



  1. Of course there is no plan.Who among us thought there ever was?This 12 year span will look like a huge black hole in the history books.You read it right,12 years.

  2. This is true and I know it for a fact. It happened to a friend of mine who works for a major defense contractor only she was moved up and her position eliminated.
    Previously she was an assistant to someone in a supervisory position. That person was to retire and my friend interviewed for her boss's position. When asked about her choice of an assistant she said she didn't want one nor did she need one because she had been fulfilling not only that duty but doing the supervisor's duties for 2 yrs since the supervisor announced she was retiring. Before day's end she heard through the grapevine that the job was hers.

  3. We spend way too much on defense. It is absurd.


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